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A man dressed in a black and matching mask, who was more machinery than man, slowly walks through a garden. A path he had walked so many times before. Memories of thoes days wash over him, and his heart aches. He slowly approaches a medium sized building, near a beautiful bunch of purple flower bushes. The man stops by one of the many bushes, and he reaches down plucking one of the flowers.

For a moment he just stares, the memories of her talking about these flowers. And talking about how much the meant to her, and how much she cared about them. The man turned his head, looking down a path that would lead to the woods. There were so few moments of humanity in this man, but it always showed for one reason.

His wife and unborn child, the two people that ment more to him than anything. But they were both gone.

The man turns his head, looking to the building in front of him. It was a beautifully built crypt, with vines growing along the stone. The robotic like man walks forward, pushing open the gate. He slowly walks down the little hall, heading towards the stone sarcophagus at the end of the room.

The man stops in front of it, looking down at the dead flowers that sat on it. The flowers were accompanied by two lightsabers, their hilts still beautiful just like when she first got them. He grabs one of the sabers, and ignites it a yellow glow shooting from it. The man continues to stare at the color, it was so pure and beautiful. Just like she was.

He turns the saber off, and sets it next to the other. The man then uses his hand to gently brush the flowers away, revealing a name carved into the stone. But it's blurred. He gently sets down the flower he plucked, his hand remaining on the stone. He looks up at the stained glass window in front of him, designed in the form of the woman he loved so deeply.

Under his mask, a tear falls down his face. Not a day went by without him thinking of her, of what he had done to her. He hated himself for what he did, more than anything.

"______." A feminine voice whispered suddenly, that familiar beautiful voice he only heard in his dreams.

The man looks up "_/_?" He whispered, his voice automated in a weird way due to the suit. He turns around half expecting to see her, but no one was there. He was alone.


Anakin's eyes open, and he lets out a sigh. Pushing himself up into a sitting position, and looks out the window. It was still dark out, and the sun wasn't rising any time soon. Anakin then looks over at Y/n, who was peacefully sleeping at his side laying as close to him as possible.

Letting out a breath, Anakin slowly climbs out of bed. He takes one last look at Y/n, before leaving the room. Y/n had been crazy busy, helping Padmè with ideas about her wedding. Anakin was convinced Y/n was more excited than Padmè, which he found adorable and hilarious. But it also got Anakin thinking about a few things.

These dreams Anakin had been having, scared him and stressed him to new levels. And with the war, and the investigation it just piled up. Anakin felt like he was going to snap at any minute, and at the wrong person too.

The young jedi left the shared room, making his way towards the livingroom. This was a regular routine for Anakin, always being startled awake by some dream and never being able to fall back asleep. He'd always leave the room, in hopes of not disturbing Y/n. Anakin makes his way to the kitchen, grabbing a bantha biscuit before making his way to the couch.


The jedi stops just before he sits down, looking back to see Y/n standing there. She had on one of his casual shirts, that stopped just above her knee.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now