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Holy shit 100 chapters, lets go

Thr next morning Y/n woke up rather early, and once again found herself in the kitchens making coffee. The cooks in the kitchen watched her, while she added what she wanted to the dark liquid.

"Your Majesty, one of is could've done that for you." One of the cooks said, a pretty young lady with blonde hair and freckles all across her face and arms.

Y/n shakes her head as she stirs her coffee "Nonsense, it only makes more work for you." She says, setting the spoon down and looking at her "Has Senator Amidala's breakfast been brought to her?" She asks.

The girl shakes her head "Not yet ma'am, Jeffrey is just finishing it up and then I was supposed to bring it to her."

Y/n looks over at the older man who had just finished preparing the food, and placing it on a plate and tray. The plate had what looked like eopie bacon, and a lot of fruit. Y/n almost laughed, remembering Padmè's intense craving for fruit while she was pregnant. It must still be there.

She takes a sip of her coffee "I can take it to her." Y/n says "I was heading that way anyhow."

By now all the other cooks had looked away, and gotten back to work or had left. The girls eyes widened a little in suprise "Your Majesty, are you sure?" She asks.

Y/n uses the force to lift the tray, making sure to keep it balanced. This makes the girls eyes widen in wonder, while Y/n smiles politely "It's no problem at all, like I said I was heading there anyways."

"If you insist ma'am." The girl says.

"Take a break, all of you." Y/n says as she heads for the door "You all deserve it!"


Y/n stops just in front of Padmè's door, her coffe held in one hand while she uses the force to hold up the tray of food. Using her cup, she gently taps on the door.

"Come in."

Once again using the force, Y/n opens the door and steps inside before kicking it shut. She had a big smile on her face "Mornin' sleepy head."

Padmè was sitting in her bed, hair tied up into a bun. She was breastfeeding Adaline, and gently swaying while she did "Hey, how are you after yesterday?" She asks.

Y/n walks over and sets the tray on the bedside table, before taking a seat on the edge of the bed "I'm doing okay."

That was a big fat lie, she was not okay. After making some food, Y/n couldn't get back to sleep for a while. So she went to her office to do some work, with R2 at her side. Y/n ended up staying up till 8am, before falling asleep at her desk before waking up around 10am. Coffee was about to become her bestfriend, once again.

"Thank you for bringing me this food, you didn't have to." Padmè says, reaching her free hand over to take a piece of fruit.

Y/n smiles a little as she sips her coffee "I wanted to come say hi anyway." She says with a shrug, "How are you and little Ada doing?" She asks.

"We're doing okay, so far she's been an easy baby." Padmè says, as Ada pushes herself away from her breast.

"Well that's good." Y/n says as she sip her coffee again, before setting it down "Want me to hold her?" She asks.

Padmè lets out a breath of relief "Yes please." She says, gently and carefully passing Ada to Y/n.

Making sure to be extra careful, Y/n takes the infant into her arms. Adaline stared up at Y/n, with wide gray/blue eyes. She couldn't help but wonder what eye color she would have. Bright blue like her father, or brown like her mothers. And Y/n had the same question about her hair. Would she be platinum blond like Noah, or would she have Padmè's brown hair.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now