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When Y/n wakes the next morning, theres a warmth next to. She furrows her brows before finally opening her eyes, only to find Anakin peacefully sleeping beside her. He had his arms wrapped around her, and he was as close to her as he could be. She noticed that he only had on a pair of sweats, with no shirt. Y/n's eyes widened slightly remembering the events of last night, but then she smiles. He felt the same.

Y/n manages to escape his hold, and she climbs out of bed. And she couldn't help but smile more, sleeping beside him just felt so right. Last night was full of confessions, Anakin had told Y/n he had been falling asleep in her room each night. Accidentally of course, but this time he did it intentionally.

After their kiss, something seemed to change. Not a bad kinda change, but good. Anakin could feel her emotions, but it was more stronger than before. He couldn't help but wonder if she could feel the same thing.

"Sweets?" Anakin suddenly murmured, slowly waking up and opening his eyes.

Y/n looks back "Shit, did I wake you up?" She asks "I'm sorry." She apologizes.

Anakin shakes his head while sitting up "No, I just couldn't feel you in bed anymore." He murmurs rubbing his eyes.

"I'm sorry." Y/n says in a guilty voice "I would've stayed, but I wanted to finish packing." She explained.

"You didn't finish packing?" Anakin asks frowning, he was now fully sitting up in bed. Y/n took this moment to just stare at him, his blond hair was a mess. It looked cute.

Y/n shakes her head "No, I uh, I got more focused on drinking and....looking at pictures." She explains nervously.

Anakin smiles "Well, since you forgot to pack let me help you." He says climbing out of the bed.

"W-what? No, Anakin you have your own packing to do." Y/n said.

"I finished my packing." Anakin says grin "Now, Sweets, what do you need packed."

Y/n lets out a breath and looks around "A lot." She says nervously.

Anakin nods "Okay we can do that." He hums "Lets get to work, gorgeous."


By the time the two finished packing, Y/n had five bags. The two had spent the entire day together, laughing and teasing each other. Every now and then Anakin would give Y/n a kiss, it never lasted long but it was sweet. It was obvious that the both of them were still shy about this whole thing, considering it was new to them both.

As soon as the two had finished packing, they had to get to the ship and head for Coruscant. The trip was short, and full of comfortable chatter. As soon as the ship landed, Y/n instantly got off with Anakin right behind her.

"Master Yoda!" Y/n greeted in excitement.

The short green creature hummed "Good to see you again, it is." He says "Both of you."

Anakin bows slightly "Good to see you too, Master Yoda." He says, the biggest smile ever on his face. Thats how it's been all day, he pretty much hadn't stop smiling.

"How was the trip, good I hope?" Yoda asks looking between the two.

Y/n grins "It was great, Anakin is lovely company." She says.

Anakin rolls his eyes "Well, you hang around Noah so your judgment of 'greay company' might be a bit off." He jokes.

Y/n gently shoves Anakin "Noah is amazing company....when he isn't giving me a headache of course.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now