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smut again. I know, so dirty right. Enjoy. It's only the first half though, it's over at the first time jump

When Y/n woke the next morning, she let out a small groan. Anakin's cock was still buried inside of her, his arms wrapped around her front as he spooned her. Last night had been a lot for both of them, and they ended up falling asleep still tangled together. Y/n wasn't complaining, she enjoyed it more than she had expected.

Y/n could hear her lover snoring softly, while breathing against her neck. A dirty idea crossed her mind, and she laid there contemplating on if she should let her thoughts take over. After a lot of mental debating, she had made up her choice. Instead of pulling him out of her, Y/n moved her hips up and down a little, making the man behind her moan a little in his sleep.

Y/n bit her lip trying to hold back a moan, each movement she mad slowly making Anakin's cock hard once again. Anakin slowly began waking up, with a heavy breath.

"Was last night not enough to satisfy my girl?" Anakin asked in a teasing voice, a chuckle rumbling in his chest.

Y/n just smirked and stopped her movement "Just wanted to wake you up in a nice way." She says.

"Well it was more than nice."Anakin says reaching out and wrapping his arms around her tighter, pulling her back into him "Nope, you're not getting away thay easily." He says.

"Ani, we need to get up." Y/n with a laugh mixed with a moan "I've got stuff to do."

Anakin let out a groan that seemed to be more of a moan "We can be quick, I'm sure it's fine."

Y/n let out a breath and smiled, she pulled herself from Anakin's hold. His cock slipping from her wet cunt. He let out a groan and instantly went to protest, but stopped when Y/n changed positions and got on his lap.

"Do you really think you can be quick, general?" Y/n asked with a smirk, her hand going down to line his cock up with her weeping hole.

The sudden nickname makes Anakin's eyes widen a little "General?" He asks in suprise.

Y/n tilts her head "What, should I not use that one-"

Anakin makes her shut up, by thrusting "Fuck, that was hotter coming from you than I thought." He grunted "Now sweets. Ride me like a good girl, I did all the work last night. It's your turn."

"Fuuucckk." Y/n moaned out, taking a moment.

Clearly she was taking too long, cause the next second Anakin had slapped her ass "C'mon slut, get to work." He said.

"Fuck-yes sir." Y/n moaned rolling her hips a little.

Anakin slapped her ass again "Lets go with General this time, yah?" He breathed out.

Y/n grinned a little "You really took a liking to that one, hmm?" She teased, lifting herself almost fully off his cock.

"Shut up and ride me." Anakin growled.

Y/n then slammed herself back in his cock, taking him in fully. The two lovers groaned in unison, Anakin's hands going to Y/n's hips. Squeezing hard.

"Fu-fuck Anakin you're so big." Y/n moaned out, slowly setting in a decent pace. Lifting her hips, and slamming then down over and over.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now