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And now we've moved into Revenge Of The Sith

It was just your average afternoon, Y/n hadn't been doing much but meditation. It had been a couple of days since Obi-wan reported to the council, and had returned to Anakin. Y/n had been doing everything she could to stay distracted, but it definitely wasn't easy. Especially with so little to do.

Anakin had been out of contact, probably busy with war stuff. It had been far too long since they had last talked, and Y/n never knew how much she could miss a person. While at the same time, being horrified to talk with them.

Padmè checked on Y/n daily, making sure shebeas okay. Luckily Noah still didn't know about the pregnancy. There had been no news of Ahsoka, not that Y/n knew of anyway. She just hoped that the padawan was okay.

The puking and fatigue was still a thing, and Y/n wished it would all just go away. Y/n kept on reading up, and knew that the sickness would eventually go away. Just a few more weeks till it did, hopefully.

Today was no different. Y/n was once again sitting in her room, just on the floor meditating. This time she was levitating in the air slightly, and she was more aware of it. When Y/n had accidentally done it without Master Yoda nearby, she freaked out again and fell to the floor on her ass.

Suddenly Y/n heard the sound of a faint explosion, and she instantly snapped out of the meditative and dropped to the ground. The landing wasn't entirely graceful, which caused het to wince a little.

"What the fuck." Y/n grumbled pushes herself to her feet, and walking over to the large windows in her room.

She looked out the window, and gasped loudly. The Senate building was smoking, specifically the Chancellor's office at the top floor. Y/n's eyes went even more wide, when she saw sith ship floating above the atmosphere. It was the Malevolence.

"Oh shit Padmè!" Y/n cursed rushing to her nightstand, and pulling out her lightsabers.

Just as she grabbed her sabers, there was another explosion at the building. Y/n's eyes widened even more, and she rushed out of the room. She just hoped Padmè wasn't at the Senate building.


Y/n knew she shouldn't be here, but she just had to. She knew Padmè was on Coruscant, but where she was Y/n didn't know. The main place she'd be is the Senate building.

When she arrived, she saw Master Windu and Master Yoda. But they weren't the only things, over a dozen droids were there. Some had blaster holes, and others had lightsaber marks. Clones from both Master Windu, and Master Yoda's battalion were walking around investigating.

Instantly Y/n rushed up to them "What happened?" She asked, panicked and a little out of breath.

Master Windu looks at Y/n with a scowl "What are you doing here?" He asks coldly.

Master Yoda looks back "Yes what are you doing here?" He asks, his tone more kind then Windu's.

"I saw the smoke from my apartment, and senator Amidala is here." Y/n said fearfully.

Yoda holds up a hand "Fine Senator Amidala is." He says "But the Chancellor has been taken."

Windu looks to Yoda "Will all due respect grand Master, the queen of Alderaan doesn't need to know this." He says.

"Hmmm your choice, it is not."

Y/n was grateful for her masters words, and smiled slightly "How was the Chancellor taken? Who took him?"

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now