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Y/n shoved Anakin's presents into the closet of the spare room, everything had been wrapped and cakes had been hidden as well. The cakes were at Padmè's, and she would bring them tomorrow whenever she and Noah arrived.

"Do you think he's gonna find them?" Padmè asks, as her, Y/n, and Ahsoka walk out of the room.

Ahsoka shakes her head "Not with me staying in there." She says with a grin.

Y/n nods in agreement "With Ahsoka staying in there, they're protected." She says "And either way, Anakin never goes in the spare room."

Ahsoka had practically begged Y/n to stay the night, so she could wake ip in the morning to annoy Anakin. Y/n of course could never say no to her, but begged Ahsoka to wake her up first for two reasons. One so she wouldn't be caught in the crossfire of whatever Ahsoka was planning, two so she could watch whatever the teen had planned.

Padmè stopped when the three got to the livingroom "Well then. Today has definitely been an exciting day." She says, there was a happy smile on her face.

Y/n smiles "I cannot wait for tomorrow." She says, rubbing her hands together.

Ahsoka claps with excitement "Oh I cannot wait either!" She squealed "Anakin is in for an exciting morning."

Padmè laughs while shaking her head a little "I can't wait to tell some embarrassing stories about Ani." She says half jokingly.

"Oh I cannot wait for that!" Y/n says now bubbling with more excitement.

"Well, I'm afraid it's time for me to leave." Padmè says "Noah should be arriving soon, and we have dinner plans."

Ahsoka groans "Do you have to go?" She asks.

Y/n looks at the young teen "Don't wanna be stuck with me?" She asks jokingly.

"No! It's just more fun with all three of us." Ahsoka says shrugging.

Padmè laughs while shaking her head "Don't worry, I'll be back tomorrow as soon as I can." She syas with a smile.


"Y/n, my love, I'm home!" Anakin shouts as the door closes, his brows raising when he hears a crash in the kitchen.

"Ahsoka!" Y/n exclaimed before roaring with laughter.

It had been hours since Padmè left, leaving Y/n and Ahsoka alone. To cause chaos. The two were currently in the kitchen, attempting to cook dinner. Neither of them had even heard Anakin come in.

Ahsoka laughs loudly wiping the flour from her face "I'm getting flashbacks." She jokes.

Y/n shakes her head "Why did I decide to make bantha biscuits with you again." She says, a smile creeping up on her lips.

"Because I'm amazing."

"Y/n?" Anakin calls out walking into the kitchen "Ahsoka?"

The two look at the door of the kitchen, eyes a little wide "Hi!" Y/n says in a high pitched voice.

Anakin looks between the two of them "What is happening right now?" He asks, then looking at the mess around them.

The entire kitchen was a disaster. There were ingredients everywhere, mostly flour that was still floating in the air. Both Y/n and Ahsoka had flour on their faces, but Ahsoka had the most on her face.

"Biscuits." Ahsoka answered, wiping some flower from her face "Specifically Bantha biscuits."

"A mess." Y/n adds looking at Ahsoka, and crossing her arms "But yes, we're making bantha biscuits."

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now