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Twenty or more minutes had pass, and Y/n still hadn't found her way out. She was taking constant breaks, everything hurt and she ached. Droids were roaming the halls, which caused her to think quick and hide. She even almost got caught a few times.

Y/n was currently hiding in a small, closet like room. She sat on the hard ground, her back against the wall. She was in a slittle corner, her head resting on a wall and her eyes drooping closed. Every tine Y/n closed her eyes, she flinch and wake back up. She couldn't sleep not yet, but she was so exhausted.

The closet door suddenly opened, and someone hurried inside. Y/n panicked grabbed the saff and activated it, "Get the fuck away from me." She growled.

But when the person turned to look at her, Y/n's eyes went wide. It was Anakin. She couldn't believe it, a wave of emotions flowed through her.

"Y/n!" The blond gasped instantly crouching beside her "Oh thank the force you're alright." He whispered, his voice shaking slightly.

"Ani?" Y/n whispered unsure if the lack of sleep was making her hallucinate "Is that really you?" She whimpered, turning off the staff and letting go of it.

Anakin slowly reach out, and gently cupped her face "Oh, sweetheart." He whispered "It's me, it's really me."

Y/n's eyes filled with tears, and she let out a sob before lurching forward and hugging the man in front of her. She held onto him as tight as she could, sobbing into his shoulder. Anakin held onto her gently, he could feel how much pain she was in. It broke his heart.

"I-i didn't think you were coming for me." Y/n whispered unable to pull herself away from him.

Anakin moved back "I will always come for you." He whispered, "I will never leave you." He murmured.

Y/n finally looked him him, tears streaming down her face "I was so scared I'd never see you, or Noah, or Padmè and Ahsoka again." She cried.

"Don't think about that, okay?" Anakin said gently "I promise you'll see them again, I'll get you out of here no matter what."

"Okay." Y/n whispered with a nod, while Anakin gently brought his hand up wiping her tears.

"We've gotta get you out of here, can you walk?" Anakin asked gently letting his hand fall.

Y/n shook her head "Everything hurts, Ani." She cried, "And I'm so, so, tired."

"Okay, I'll.....I'll have to carry you out." Anakin mumbled, bringing his wrist up to his mouth "Obi-wan, Noah, I found her."

"You found her?" Noah's relived voice said "Is she okay?"

Y/n chuckled weakly "Clearly he's never been taken prisoner bu Dooku before." She attempted to joke, but it only made her wince in pain.

"She's, uh, she's badly wounded." Anakin said "I've got to get her outta here now."

"Should we start phase two?" Obi-wan asked.

Y/n frowned "Whats phase two?" She asked looking at Anakin, desperately trying to keep her eyes open.

"Yup, begin phase two." Anakin said dropping his arm "Okay Sweetheart, lets get out up."

"I don't wanna move." Y/n complained shaking her head "Everything hurts, so bad."

Her words tugged at Anakin's heartstrings "I know, I'm so sorry I didn't come for you sooner."

Y/n looked at him "I was afraid you weren't coming for me at all." She mumbled, her eyes closing and her head falling slightly.

Anakin winced at her words, he gently tapped her cheek when he saw her eyes closing "Hey, sweets, stay awake keep your eyes open." He said gently.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now