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Hours later, just as everyone was stitting down for dinner Padmè and Noah made an appearance. Y/n looked at the two as the entered the dining room, Padmè had on one of her normal dresses. While Noah of course had on his armor, that Y/n loved to make fun of him in. Y/n as usual sat at the head of the table, Ahsoka sat on one side of her. While Anakin sat at her other side across from Ahsoka.

"Ah, finally you two decided to show up." Y/n said in a teasing voice, bringing up her galss of wine to sip on it.

Noah's face went red and he rolled his eyes "Shut up." He grumbled, taking his normal seat across from Y/n(at the other end of the table).

"Ahsoka, I didn't know you'd be here." Padmè said taking a seat beside Noah.

Ahsoka shoved some food in her mouth, and nodded "The council thought it was best I join Anakin for a while." She said "This food is amazing by the way!"

One of the amazing things about Alderaan, is the food. Especially since most of the fruits and vegetables were grown locally, and any kind of meat was also hunted locally.

Y/n smiled "I'm glad you're enjoying it." She said setting her glass down, "Now, onto more pressing mattters." She added looking to her close friend and brother.

Padmè's eyes went wide, while Noah hurriedly poured himself a drink. Y/n looked over at Anakin, the two made eye contact and they both already knew their answer. But Anakin could see a mischievous glint in the queens eyes, and she looked back to her friends. Anakin pressed his lips together, desperately trying to hold himself together.

"Y/n don't." Anakin somhow managed to say, his lips twitching into a smile.

"So." Y/n began still holding that shit eating grin "How was your guys night?" She asked "Any confessing yet?"

Padmè's face heated up, and she glared at her friend "How was your night?" She retorted "You and Anakin disappeared, what did you two do?" She asked suggestively.

Anakin choked on his drink, and he went into a fit of coughing "Why'd you go and say it like that!" He choked out.

Ahsoka snorter with laughter, and covered her mouth. She find it incredibly amusing at how nervous, and worked up her master was. Especially over a girl, it just made things much funnier.

Y/n's eyes went wide, and she cleared her throat "The party got boring so we came back for some drinks." She said only telling part of the truth.

"Can I have some wine?" Ahsoka asked with a grin looking over at Y/n, "This is getting interesting."

Y/n looker over at the girl, and she couldn't help but remember her first drink "I mean I don't-"

"No." Anakin quickly said cutting Y/n off, and giving his Padawan a stern look "No drinking for you, you're way too young"

Ahsoka galred at her master "I am not!" She exclaimed, crossing her arms ovet her chest.

"Oh, Ani, come on let the girl have some fun." Padmè said as she dished her plate up.

Anakin shook his head "It's not happening." He mumbled, shoving some food in his mouth.

Y/n rolled her eyes "Come on, she's old enough to drink." She tried to convince.

Noah nodded "Yeah, Y/n was drinking by sixteen!" He exclaimed "Even if I told her not too."

"It was legal, and I never over do it, you know that." Y/n justified looking over at her brother.

"Ahsoka isn't even 16 yet!" Anakin exclaimed looking at everyone.

The young Padawan rolled her eyes "I'm close to it!" She said.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now