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When Y/n's eyes opened once again, she instantly began to panic. She looked around the small cylinder space she was in, it took a moment before she realized she was in a bacta tank. But Y/n was still panicked, she wanted out. A hand pressed tonthe tank, catching her attention and she looked over to see Anakin.

"Y/n, you're okay, calm down." Anakin's muffled voice said.

The queen just shook her head, with wide eyes. Y/n began to hyperventilate, and she reached up to touch the mask on her face. Anakin's eyes winded, and he shouted something. The top of the tank hisses open, and Y/n instantly went up to the top tearing the mask from her face.

Anakin was at the top, reaching in and helping her out. Once she was fully out of the tank, she sat on the ground her entire body shaking. Suddenly a towel was thrown around her, and she looked over to see Anakin. Gently he began rubbing his arms up and down her shivering body, attempting to warm her up.

"Wh-where am I?" Y/n asked in a shaky voice, looking back and forth.

"You're in the Jedi Temple, you're safe." Anakin said gently, still trying to warm her up.

Y/n looked over and met Anakin's gaze, tears filled her eyes "Is he dead?" She whispered.

Anakin's face fell, and he shook his head "No. He-ge got away."

Anger and fear filled Y/n's body. She was angry that Dooku was able to escape, and that he wouldn't get punished for what he did. And she was fearful because she knew he'd could com back for her, and take her away again do exactly what he did before.

"How are you feeling, sweets." Anakin asked gently cupping her cheeks.

Y/n's face warmed at the nickname "Better." She said "I'm not in as much pain anymore."

Anakin smiled "Good, good." He whispered pressing a kiss to her forehead, making her face heat up even more.

"Can we go home?" Y/n asked looking into his eyes, "I'm hungry, and everyones looking at me."

Anakin looked away from her, and around the medical room. Sure enough a few doctors, and nurses were looking in their direction.

"Lets get you cleared first, and then we can head to your apartment, okay?" Anakin said gently, helping her get to her feet.

Y/n nodded "Okay." She whispered "Thank you."


After checking in with the doctors, and they gave the all clear, Anakin took Y/n to her apartment as she requested. Anakin had wrapped Y/n in his cloak, considering her clothes were basically destroyed.

"I'm gonna go change into something more comfortable." Y/n said her voice louder than before.

Anakin nodded "I'll lock all the doors and block the windows." He said.

Y/n gave him a greatful smile "Thank you." She murmured, before walking off still hugging the cloak close to her body.

Anakin watched as she walked away, a frown on his face. He had been thinking about Obi-wan's words, and he felt completely helpless. Anakin didn't know if he should confess his feeling, or to not. He was scared of rejection.

Just as Anakin went to go lock the door, a knock sounded on the door. Frowning Anakin opened the door, only to reveal the Chancellor. His eyes widened slightly, and that same uneasy feeling he always got washed over him.

"Young Skywalker, what a surprise to see you." The Chancellor said.

Anakin nodded "A surprise to see you, Chancellor." He said "Is there something you need?"

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now