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"Young Skywalker, good to talk to you, it is." Yoda said "Something you have to ask, you do?"

That next morning, Anakin woke up finding himself in Y/n's bed once again. The two of them cuddled together, with Y/n holding onto him for dear life. Anakin had remained there for as long as he could, before pulling himself away from her and leaving. In all honesty Anakin didn't know what to do, a part of him wanted to come clean with how he felt. But the other part was too scared.

Y/n was the queen of Alderaan, who was free to love who she wanted. But Anakin was a jedi, bound to his code. But yet again Anakin was never one to follow the code, and then he remembered what Obi-wan had said.

"Yes, Master Yoda." Anakin said staring the hologram of the old master, "It's about Queen Y/n."

Master Yoda smiled "How is she? Safe she is?" He asked.

Anakin nodded "So far everything is quite, and she's still slightly recovering from the torture she suffered."

Yoda hummed "Strong, she is." He said "Question, you had?"

"I wanted to do a midichlorian count for Y/n." Anakin said fidgeting with his hands.


Anakin sighed "Ahsoka was training with her, teaching her lightsaber techniques and skills. And she said that Y/n was able to block, or dodge some of her attacks before they happened." He explained, "And when I asked Y/n why she wanted to do this, she said it was a feeling she had. And she does want one as well."

Master Yoda hummed again "Interesting this is." He said "Her relation to Master Qui-gon, does she know?" He asked.

"No master."

"Tell her, you will." Yoda said "A midichlorian count, you will do. Tell me the results, you will."

Anakin frowned "But Master Yoda, what if her count is high enough for her to be a jedi?" He asked "Will she become one?"

"Figure that out, I will." Yoda said "On another note, return to Coruscant Padawan Tano must."

"I'll send her right away." Anakin said nodding "Will I be returning anytime soon?" He asked, hoping he would say no. Anakin didn't wanna leave Y/n.

"To be decided, that is." Yoda spoke "Depending on the midichlorian count, it does."

Anakin sighed "Okay." He said with a nod "I'll test her as soon as I can."


Basically the palace has a huge restaurant like kitchen, and it's great

Meanwhile downstairs in the kitchen, Y/n and Ahsoka were attempting to make breakfast together. Y/n had given the cooks the morning off, specifically so her and Ahsoka could do this and have some fun.

"Y/n! You got pancake mix all over me!" Ahsoka exclaimed with a loud laugh.

Y/n just grinned and blew more flour in her direction "It's almost like snow!" She exclaimed, before wiping her hands off.

Ahsoka rolled her "Snow is not as messy as this." She said, "Our goal is to make breakfast for everyone, not to make a huge mess."

Y/n laughed "That might be your goal, but mine is to have fun while making breakfast." She says, putting sone uncooked bacon down to cook.

"Of course it is." Ahsoka said in amusement, as she began pouring some chocolate chips into the pancake mix "Think that's enough?"

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now