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Y/n stares at everything in front of her, it had been almost a week since she got her crystal. Anakin still hadn't returned, she hadn't even heard from him or Ahsoka. Y/n couldn't help but miss him. She wished she could tell him everything that had been happening, especially with all this lightsaber stuff she was dealing with.

The day Y/n went to Ilum, Obi-wan was sent to Corellia for reasons Y/n didn't know of. It sucked him leaving. It meant Y/n was alone in a temple, where everyone only knew her as the queen of Alderaan. So most of the time she hid in her room reading up on anything she would find useful for her training, or she meditated and worked on clearing her mind more.

In that long week Master Yoda was doing his best to teach Y/n how to control the force, specifically for this task. Building the hilt of her lightsaber. Teaching Y/n was a process, and Yoda did the best he could. First they'd always start with meditating, and then he'd have her do a few simple things. Like moving small objects with the force, which she had managed to do only two times the first time she tried.

But three more days later, Y/n found it easy to move these small objects. Master Yoda seemed rather impressed with how fast she was learning, and how fast she was advancing.

"'re telling me, that if I do this wrong either my crystal will crack. Or my lightsaber will just completely blow up?" Y/n asks looking over at her master.

Yoda smiles and nods "Yes." He says casually "Trust the force, you must. Went over this many times, we have."

Y/n looks from her master to the pieces in front of her "I know, but I've hardly learned how to use the force!" She says slightly panicked.

"Faith, I have in you." Yoda says with a nod "Studied well, you have. Start now, you must."

Y/n sighed and held her hand out above the parts, while closing her eyes and letting out a breath. She sat like that for a good five minutes, before opening up her eyes. Not a single thing had moved.

"Easily frustrated, you are." Yoda says "Calm, you must remain."

Y/n looks over at him "What if this doesn't work?" She asks.

"Work it will." Yoda says with a nod "Try again."


Four hours later, it took four hours for Y/n to successfully construct it. She hoped. Yoda had been patiently watching her the whole time, not saying a word. She had constructed the lightsaber, and deconstructed it several times over. Each time Y/n had put the saber together, something didn't feel right. Until the final time.

"Think you have it, yes?" Yoda asked looking at her.

Y/n slowly nodded "Yeah." She says "I-i think so?"

She looked at the unique hilt she had managed to put together, it was all a lot heavier than she expected. The metal of the hilt was black and gold, with a few hints of silver.

Yoda hummed "Turn it on." He says.

Nervously Y/n presses the button on her lightsaber, and she gasps in excitement. A yellow blade ignited from the hilt, and the room glowed with its color. Y/n couldn't even begin to explain how excited she was, she just stood there with a big smile.

"Mmmm interesting color, that is. Fits you well, it does." Master Yoda says approvingly.

Y/n looks over at him proudly "I totally thought it was gonna blow up in mu face." She says with a weak laugh.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now