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"Try again." Yoda says from a high point in the room.

Y/n looks up at her master "Master, I can't jump that high." She says "I hardly made it up the first few times!"

"Use the force to help you, like you did in the caves." Yoda says with a nod "Do it, you can."

It was early morning, a day after Y/n had returned to her apartment. Master Yoda had something planned, other than meditation and fighting the training droids. Instead he had set up an obstacle course, to help Y/n with several different skills. In Y/n's eyes, he was basically teaching her some kind of parkour. What should be easy for her considering how much she enjoyed climbing trees, she was failing completely.

"Go again, use the force to help." Yoda says with a hum, his voice echoing slightly.

Y/n lets out a sigh, while taking a few steps back. Once a good distance she begans running towards the platform, and then jumps. She manages to jump just high enough to grab the edge of the platform, struggling to finally pull herself up.

Once on her feet Y/n laughs slightly "Will this get any easier?" She asks.

Yoda hums "In time it will, be patient you must. Practice more, you need to." He says "Better with time, you will get."

Y/n nods with a smile, looking at the next platform that was a distance away and even a little higher. She took a step back and jumped, Y/n had almost made it. She had grabbed onto the edge, but her fingers slipped and she fell to the ground. Since the second plate was higher from the ground, Y/n got the wind knocked out of her completely.

Yoda walks to the edge of his own platform, and looked down at Y/n who was laying flat on her back. The sight almost made the old jedi master laugh "Okay, are you?"

Y/n let out a breath "I think I'm dying." She says dramatically.

"Go again." Yoda says taking a few steps back.

Groaning Y/n pushes herself up, wincing at the slight pain the went through her body. She stretched out her arms, and rolled her shoulders back "Maker, that floor is hard." She hissed.


Y/n basically limped down the hall to her apartment, her entire body aching. This was the most physical thing she had done, but she wasn't upset about it. Y/n needed to do this kind of stuff either way. When Y/n opened the door her apartment was dark, and the curtains were closed. It wasn't like that when she left that morning.

Reaching both hands down, Y/n out her lightsabers. Just as she was about to ignite them both, the lights flicked on. Her jaw fell at what she saw when, she slipped her sabers back into their holsters. Y/n's appartment was completely decorated with streamers that were her favorite colors, along with random colored balloons. Padmè, Noah, Anakin, Ahsoka, Obi-wan, and even Rex were all inside.

"Suprise!" They all shouted loudly.

Y/n lets out a small laugh of suprise "What in blazes is this all about?" She asks.

"It's for your birthday, silly." Padmè says walking forward with a grin.

" birthday was like...forever ago." Y/n says.

Noah steps forward "Well we didn't celebrate it.

Obi-wan nods "Who doesn't love a good celebration?" He asks "It has it's perks." He adds holding up a glass of wine.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now