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"Medically, she is completely healthy. For reasons we cannot explain, we are losing her." A droid says, probably a medical droid.

"She's dying?" The voice of a man asked, his pain was strong. So strong it felt like fire "No." He whispered in a plea.

"What?" A different man asks his voice weavering "Is there- Why is she dying?"

"We don't know why. She has lost the will to live. We need to operate quickly if we are to save the babies."

"Babies!?" A different man exclaimed in suprise.

"She's carrying twins."

The second man shakes his head, it looked like he had bright blond hair but it was hard to tell "She-she's having twins?" He stutters.

"Save them, we must. They are our last hope." A new voice says, it was Master Yoda.

The second man lets out what sounded like a cry "I-is there a way to save her?" He asks in a whimper, the emotional pain from him was strong "I-i can't lose her, she's the only family I have."

The first man looks to the older jedi master "Can we save her?"

Yoda grunts "She has lost the will to live." He says sadly.

The medical droid rushes away, and nearby two different droids watched through some glass. They were staring inside a room where a pregnant woman lay, her face of course blurred.

"Whats happening to her?" A astromech beeps in worry.

"It's some kind of reproductive process, I think." A golden protocol droid responded.


A woman cries in pain, tears falling down her cheeks. She shakes her head "______." She sobs, calling out to her lover.

There was one person in the room with her, while everyone watched through the glass outside. The man grabs her hand squeezing it "Don't give up, Y/n." The man begs.

"I-i can't ___." The woman sobs wincing in pain, and then there was the sound of a baby screaming.

The medical droid moves forward holding a small baby "It's a boy."

The woman turns her head, looking at the baby boy "Luke." She cries "My sweet boy."

She weakly smiles, and reaches out touching her son on the forehead. The medical droid then takes him away, laying him down in a crib. This only makes the baby cry harder, screaming for his mother.

"Come on little one, just hang on." The man pleads.

The woman whimpers "Wheres my husband?" She cries "Where is ______?"

The mans pain suddenly gets stronger "I'm so sorry." He whispered, a tear falling down his cheek.

The woman lets out another cry, the medical droid coming back over with another baby "A girl."

"Leia." The woman whispers looking at the little girl, reaching up and touching her forehead before she was taken away "Oh my sweet babies." She weeps. The two babies scream and cry together, confused on where their mother was "I'm so sorry."

The man leans over the woman, placing a gentle hand on her forehead. It was almost fatherly like "You have twins, _/_. They need you."

The woman shakes her head "I-i can't." She cries "Not with out him." She sobbed, one of her hands weakly holding to the ring around her neck. She tugs at the chain breaking it, she grabs the mans hand and forceful places it in his hand.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now