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"Momma, momma, look what I made!" A h/c haired little girl said with the biggest smile, she was holding up a drawing of a bunch of random flowers. The girl seemed to be at least four, maybe even five. She was sitting in a bedroom, probably hers based of the little decorations.

A woman walks in, her face of course blurred. But she shared the same hair color as the girl. The woman crouches down "Thats beautiful sweetie."

"Do we have all dees flowas in da garden?" The girl asks setting the drawing down, and grabbing another piece of paper.

The woman sits down on the ground fully "I'm sure we do sweetie, we have lots of flowers in the garden." She says

The little girl grabs another sheet of paper, and holds it out "Color?" She asks.

"Of course lovey." The woman says while taking the paper, she grabs crayon and begins making little swirls on the page.

"Momma, when can we go to Naboo again?" The girl asks while drawing a few lopsided hearts with a yellow crayon.

"Whenever daddy gets back, I'll talk with him." The woman says with a smile.

This makes the little girl smile with excitement "Yay!" She cheer


Y/n lets out a groan when she wakes up, she felt unbearably nauseous. She climbs out of bed, and rushes to the bathroom to throw up. Once she had finished she wipped her mouth with some toilet paper, and brushes her theeth.

"Stupid fucking flu." Y/n grumbled walking out of the bathroom, and heading to the kitchen.

Despite just waking up, Y/n felt so exhausted. She had no energy. Y/n opened up the fridge, searching for something simple. She found some left overs from the other night, and heated them up.

Y/n makes her way to the couch, and flops down on it. She uses the force to grab the remote, and turns on a random show. A beeping makes Y/n set her plate down and scramble to her feet, rushing to her office and answering the transaction just as she sat down.

Anakin appeared and he gave a tired smile "Hello, beautiful." He said.

Just seeing him through a hologram, made Y/n smile wildly "Hey. How's everything going?" She asks. Hoping to hide her exhaustion from her lover.

"Not good. The separatists are fighting back hard, as usual." Anakin says with a yawn "It's weird not having Ahsoka at my side, but what she's doing is more important."

Y/n nods in agreement "Capturing Maul would be a good thing." She says, biting back a yawn.

Anakin's smile brightens a little "We're getting close to Dooku." He says "Once he's dead, all we need is to take down Grievous. Then the war is over!"

His words make Y/n frown "Dooku shouldn't die, I....I think he should be arrested." She says.

"What?" Anakin asks in suprise, and pure confusion "You don't want him dead?"

Y/n lets out a sigh "Of course I want him dead, more than anything." She mumbled, while shaking her head. Trying to block the traumatic flashes in her mind.

"Then why let him live?"

"Keeping him alive, and letting him rot away in a cell with his own thoughts is torture enough." Y/n explained.

Anakin frowned "Sweets....do you really think thats a good idea?" He asks.

Y/n nods "I don't want you killing him, if you get the opportunity to Anakin." She said, her voice stern "I want him to suffer in a cage, for the rest of his life. Let him suffer with the consequences of his actions."

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now