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"A job well done." Yoda hums with a smile, and a nod "Much information you have found, useful yes."

Y/n stood in the council chambers, her hands behind her back. After telling Master Yoda about what she learned, he wanted her to tell the entire council. And so she did. Y/n told them everything from the attack on her factory, to what she had learned from Dani.

Only a few council members were present, not all of them. Some members were too busy in battle, or with more pressing matters. Y/n was secretly grateful she didn't have to tell the entire council.

"How do we know the twi'lek was telling the truth?" Master Windu asks, his tone judgmental it was obvious he still didn't trust Y/n.

Shaak Ti lets out a gentle hum "Yes, that does raise a good point." She says.

The Togruta woman was appearing through a hologram, from what Y/n heard she was on Kamino. Y/n hardly ever saw her in person.

"I-i could just tell. I could feel her emotions in a way." Y/n tries to explain.

"Is this the first time this has happened?" Plo Koon asks curiously.

Y/n nods swallowing hard "This was the first time." She lies

She had felt others emotions before, just small little feelings that Y/n brushed off. It never seemed like anything major, and she never thought too much about it.

"Are you sure?" Master Mundi asks, unsure if Y/n was telling the truth.

Master Yoda looks at the Cereanian master with narrowed eyes, his pointy ears moving back a bit "Questioning my apprentice, are you?" He asks.

Mindi's eyes went a little wide, like an animal caught in a bright light. He even looked panicked "No of course not Grand Master." He says.

Master Windu hums "No need to apologize Master Mundi." He says holding a hand up, before dropping it "Are you telling the truth L/n?" He asks in a accusing tone.

"Why would I lie?" Y/n asks calmly, though inside she was freaking out.

Did Master Windu know about her and Anakin? Or was he just suspicious? Either way, it scared Y/n to death. If he, or anyone for that matter, found out about her and Anakin she didn't know what would happen. So many possible consequences.

"She would have no reason to lie." Plo Koon says.

Shaak Ti nods in agreement "The young Queen has done nothing to betray our trust." She says, her tone soft and kind.

The Togruta woman had always been Y/n's favorite master, she was always so kind and gentle. And she always had faith in Y/n, and trusted her faster than the others.

"She has extraordinary abilities, and she has learned how to use these abilities in such a short time. Maybe she is stronger than we know." Shaak Ti says, looking around the council room.

Y/n looks at the hologram of the Togruta woman "Thank you Master Ti." She says, earning a sweet smile from the master in return.

Plo Koon nods in agreement "She's very stong. Maybe even almost as strong as young Skywalker."

Master Yoda hums "Dismissed Y/n, you are." He says "Much more we have to discuss, we do." He grunted.

Y/n bows a little "Thank you for your time."


As soon as Y/n enters her apartment, she was greeted by Ahsoka. Well not exactly greeted. The young teen was pacing just a few feet from the doorway, biting her nails.

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now