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When Anakin walked into the apartment with bags of food, it was silent but the balcony door was open

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When Anakin walked into the apartment with bags of food, it was silent but the balcony door was open. Smiling a little he set the bags down on the coffee table, before walking over to the balcony. There she stood, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his entire life. Y/n had on a simple light blue dess, and she was staring out at the city.

Anakin leans against the door frame of the balcony, and crosses his arms just staring at her. Everything about her was perfect. Y/n got the tingling feeling of someone watching her, and when she looked back she smiled "Hey, when did you get here?"

"Not long ago." Anakin says while shaking his head, a smile still on his face "You...you're so beautiful." He whispered.

Y/n laughs a little while turning her body, so her side was leaning against the rail "You're so cheesy." She jokes.

Anakin rolls his eyes a little "I'm being serious Y/n." He says "You are the most beautiful woman....I've ever seen."

A warmth creeps to Y/n's cheeks "Well....it's only because I'm so in love." She says.

Anakin stands up a little straighter while shaking his head "No....no it's because I'm so in love with you." He says, walking over to stand in front of her.

"Goodness, when did we get so cheesy?" Y/n asks with a laugh, while Anakin grabs her hands. Just to simply hold them.

"It must be the separation." Anakin says with a smile, leaning down to kiss her.

The kiss was sweet, and gentle. It was full of nothing but love, and longing. When the two pulled away, Anakin pressed his forehead to Y/n's. The box that sat in his pocket seemed so heavy, and his nerves were through the roof.

"The separation was driving me insane." Anakin whispered "I missed being next to you, and being able to hold you."

Y/n smiles shyly "I missed you too, Ani." She murmured "More than you could know.

Anakin just smiled like an idiot, with a racing heart. The little box even more heavier than before, it was now or never 'Come on Anakin, man up.' He scolded.

Y/n steps back a bit, noticing his sudden nervousness "You look nervous...is everything all right?" She asks.

Anakin nods stepping back himself "Everybody is...great." He says, while reaching in his pocket.

"Then why are you so-"

Y/n's words get caught in her throat, when Anakin suddenly gets down on one knee. He pulles a little black box from his pocket, and stares up at her. Tears quickly filled Y/n's e/c eyes, as she stands there in shock with an opened mouth. Anakin opens the box, revealing a beautiful ring.

"This...this was supposed to be a lot more romantic, I was honestly still planning everything. But I can't wait Y/n." Anakin says while looking up at her "I'm far too impatient for my own good....I knew from the day I met you, that you'd change my life for the better."

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞 (𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)Where stories live. Discover now