2: ask for a dowry

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After sending away the Marquis of Wenchang who read the imperial edict and the accompanying eunuchs, the Luo family returned to their former atmosphere.

The old lady was helped up. She also had her own orders. The maid served tea to the masters. When they came down, everyone's face was bright, and they each found their place. The old lady and Luo Renshou sat on the main seat. Liu The clan sat under Luo Renshou, and the other juniors found their own seats to sit down.

As a son, Luo Shuyu didn't get much affection from Luo Renshou, and he was even a little alienated. His attitude also affected how much the old lady cared for him.

In the last life, Luo Shuyu may have cared too much about family affection, and would always make excuses for Luo Renshou's estrangement from him. Only when he needed him would Luo Renshou show a kind father and pretend to care about him a few words. Now think about it, It's more that he wants to use him to get news of the Third Prince's Mansion.

In the early years, Luo Shuyu wanted to get closer to Luo Renshou. After all, he was his biological father and the only person in the world he could rely on. But after going through all these things, Luo Shuyu looked back at Luo Renshou again. He was just a villain who was oblivious to his own interests. He had no love for his mother, but only covetted the benefits that his mother's family could bring to him. When he was a mother, he was only a rank six petty official, and to a large extent he has come to this position because of the light of his mother's family. Not only did he forget about profit, but he also avoided it after the accident in his mother's family. It is no wonder that their Luo family never had contact with the Chen family over the years. Luo Renshou really showed his selfishness and demolition of bridges incisively and vividly.

Looking at these people he once regarded as his relatives, all of them seemed to be kind and gentle like a bodhisattva, but in fact they were all hideous, and Luo Shuyu only felt chills.

He now clearly remembers that after he and the third prince were imprisoned, Luo Renshou never looked at him in the prison. He used a piece of jade left by his mother to find the biological father to save his child's life. However, Luo Renshou left him only one sentence: life and death have destiny, wealth and honor are in the sky, there are times in life, and there is no need to force in life.

A pun, he didn't save anyone, self-protection was more important, maybe it wasn't self-protection, and maybe he even presented fabricated evidence with both hands.

Luo Shuyu really hates this father who is known as "gentle and humble". The imperial decree he is holding at the moment is no longer heavy. , is the guarantee of his future.

In his last life, he really believed too much in his beastly father, and he never doubted whether he had a father-son relationship with him.

The more he thought about it, the more stupid he felt. His father occasionally gave him a little father-son affection, and he revealed to him one by one his affairs in the Third Prince's Mansion. Now I have to suspect that the Third Prince's collaborating with the enemy has a great relationship with his father. .

Thinking of this, Luo Renshou just raised his smile to Luo Shuyu's loving father in the past: "Shu Yu, from now on, you have been preparing for your marriage in the yard recently, don't worry about anything else, there is a father for you. Master."

Luo Shuyu thought to himself how could he not see his father's indifference towards him? If he still had a little bit of father-son affection for him, how could he ignore him? It is better to have a young son who is supported by his aunt, not to mention a son from the Liu family, who wants nothing.

He only hates himself for being stupid and ridiculous. This is the family love he insists on, it's just a joke.

Luo Shuyu endured the nausea and gave Luo Renshou a straight punch: "Father, since I want to marry the third prince, I can't let the prince lose face, and I don't think about anything else, so I just want to count my mother. I also hope that my father will hand over the keys to my mother's dowry storehouse in time."

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