Chapter 112: kill him!

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For Li Mingjin's warning, the fourth prince didn't care at all. He only cared about how to quickly let everyone know that Emperor Tiansheng's intended heir was him. It won't be long before those military officers who supported Li Mingjin would know that their initial choice was Wrong, but after he ascends the throne, if these people work hard for him, he can still get his forgiveness.

Li Mingjin quietly gave the dark guards who were waiting for an opportunity to save him a calm gesture, but the fourth prince was still immersed in his own joy and did not notice his small movements.

The military attachés were forcibly brought to the Hall of Supreme Harmony by the Fourth Prince, and they were all furious. His Majesty had just passed away, and the Fourth Prince immediately locked them up. Not only that, but even the officials who were resting at home were also tied up. Even taking their family as a threat, the Fourth Emperor is really too hateful.

When they saw that Li Mingjin was also held hostage by the Fourth Prince to the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the others could only take back the resentment in their hearts.

It turned out that even His Royal Highness the Third Prince was under the control of the Fourth Prince. Could it be that the Fourth Prince has completely controlled the imperial city?

The civil servants saw the military officers' faces were disheveled. They were lucky and sympathetic. They all served as officials in the same dynasty. Once they were on the wrong team, they didn't know if they would survive. It is really difficult to be an official. .

The military officer with an upright personality really couldn't see the actions of the Fourth Prince, and said angrily: "His Royal Highness Fourth Prince, what are you doing! Your Majesty has just passed away, and the bones are not cold! Why tie us up!"

The fourth prince is in a good mood now and did not bother with the official, but said: "You will know next, the funeral of the father is already being arranged, as a son, my heart is cut by a knife, but this world cannot be without a king for a day. , today is just according to the wishes of the late emperor, the things are given first, and the later things can be arranged easily."

When he said this, the civil servants felt that there was no problem. Although the military officers knew that he was just making an excuse for their own anxiety, the upright military officers could only snort in private. This reason is really high-sounding. .

They looked at the third prince and found that he was very calm. He did not feel angry and irritable because of the hold of the fourth prince. Under his influence, the officials calmed down. Can you get on the throne?

If the fourth prince can really succeed in ascending the throne, isn't everything the third prince has done before all in vain?

Li Mingjin was not nervous at all. He was not tied by the fourth prince, but pushed him to the front of the military attache, let him stand there, and let the Yulin army who listened to his orders guard him, while staring at them military attache, afraid Anything wrong with them.

If there is no threat of force, the Hall of Supreme Harmony, which is full of civil and military officials, is actually like the usual early dynasty.

The fourth prince took out the edict and handed it to the left prime minister standing at the forefront: "Please, the left minister, read the imperial edict of the father to everyone."

Zuo Xiang took the edict in the hands of the fourth prince, and after opening it, he saw the jade seal on it, which was the real edict.

He continued to read the content, but he was very puzzled. It was a will, but it was not a inheritance edict. What does the fourth prince mean? Why did he want him to read this edict that was not good for him? He looked at the edict without saying a word, and wanted to wink at the fourth prince, but the fourth prince was not in a hurry to listen to the edict that he was destined to be the next emperor, and did not pay attention to the left Obscure eyes.

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