Chapter 119: Reborn

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Li Mingjin and the fourth prince Li Mingchun have already met once, and it is the last time of their lives. During the chat between the fourth prince and Li Mingjin, two questions were buried for him: one is the life experience of Shen Mingyun, and the other is the true identities of the two children. .

After the fourth prince and Li Mingjin had a meal, Shen Mingyun also wanted to meet Luo Shuyu and let him keep his child.

He still doesn't understand why, as the protagonist, he has become the villain's prisoner. Is it because of the wrong way of time travel, or the wrong way of being the protagonist? what is the problem? Since the defeat of the Fourth Prince, he was captured by Luo Shuyu, and the system has never appeared again.

In the past, as a man, he was accustomed to being shaved. After a few days, a layer of hair grew, and he felt more manly.

Their family was imprisoned in a courtyard very far away from the Fourth Prince's Mansion. On weekdays, they only received palace maids and guards who never said a word. There were no others. Shen Mingyun wanted to escape, but the system was not only absent. , And he didn't even see the mall again, it was as if he had become an ordinary person who had no system like in his previous life, and no ordinary person who used props.

He began to feel very panic. What could he do in another world without a system? Could he just die with the fourth prince?

Shen Mingyun finally realized the key issue, he would die, he would be secretly executed for the crime of rebellion and collaborating with the enemy, even if he was the fourth prince concubine!

He knew that his own death was a given!

The truth of winning the king and losing the bandit, even if he is an ordinary person, is a truth that everyone knows in modern times, but he feels it more deeply now.

He desperately wanted to meet Luo Shuyu, he felt that Luo Shuyu was a transmigrator, he must be a transmigrator, either in the fast-traveling mode, or in the same transmigration mode as him, he thought that Luo Shuyu was his kind!

If he is sure that Luo Shuyu is a super piercer, it does not seem to be a big problem to lose to his subordinates. After all, it is not to lose to the aborigines. Maybe after he dies, he will go back to modern times and continue to be his Buddhist salted fish? Why not do it, what he is experiencing now is just a game or a dream, he comforted himself like this.

It was not until Li Mingchun asked him about the system and the two had an "open heart" conversation that he realized how stupid he had been acting. When he communicated with the system and when he used props, he was discovered by Li Mingchun early on. .

"So, Li Mingchun, you married me just to take advantage of me?" Shen Mingyun was shaking with anger.

The fourth prince, Li Mingchun, wants to be angry even more. Anyone who hears that his child will be taken back one day will have such a reaction, and all of this was brought to him by Shen Mingyun. The so-called last happy family life disappears in these lie inside.

"I used you? You don't know how we got married? You are like a butterfly, hooking up with this man, hooking up with that man, and to the point where it is now, let me not mention it, let me ask you, is our child a real person? Or just a tool for your purpose!"

Aside from the broken relationship between the two, the fourth prince only values ​​his two children, and now the two children do not exist in a sense, and his last sustenance is gone!

Shen Mingyun was dumbfounded when he asked this question, and asked back: "What kind of child is a tool? They were born in October through my hard work. Don't you take responsibility for saying this? You didn't watch the child grow up. Do they look like tool people!"

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