Chapter 49: I don't know if it's good or bad

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Li Mingjin did not explain to Emperor Tiansheng that the assassin was Princess Jiayang. This matter involved various conflicts of interests. He did not want Luo Shuyu to be placed under a high wall. Even if he told Emperor Tiansheng, it would only become a one-sided affair of Luo Shuyu. They may also suspect that they have bad intentions, so they simply concealed the matter, and everything is still based on evidence.

Luo Shuyu only needs to act as if she is a victim.

For this reason, he was also called into the palace twice, and received the care and baptism of everyone in the harem. After the limelight passed, their husband and wife could be considered to be quiet and live their small lives.

However, catching the assassin still fell to Li Mingjin.

Among the princes, the third prince is neither the prince nor the eldest prince. Emperor Tiansheng originally wanted to choose the fourth prince, but considering that he had refused to marry Princess Jiayang before, he gave up, at least the strength of the third is still there. There are competent officials below to help, and the investigation of the assassin is also a training for him.

Li Mingjin just led people to search for assassins inside and outside the capital every day.

According to Luo Shuyu's suggestion, he strictly checked the people who came into the city every day, even the farmers who came to the city to sell fruits and vegetables were not spared.

Emperor Tian paid off, he really let him find something.

This Princess Jiayang did not return to the city, but he did not leave the capital either. Although it was different from what they had guessed, it was still the same.

Li Mingjin couldn't help but sigh that his daughter-in-law's expectations were as good as gods, and if he was a man, he would definitely be the champion of Jinke.

When Li Mingjin's men checked the gate of the city, they actually found a few people with different accents. After sending people to follow them, they found that these people lived in an uninhabited house on the outskirts of Beijing, a little distance from other villagers. Undiscovered.

Li Mingjin sent people to stay here for three days, and found some new things. Don't think it looks like a deserted house, but there are still many people coming and going every day, all of them are very familiar, and many of them are court officials. , Li Mingjin asked them to record the specific time when these people came in and out, and also recorded their conversation.

Those who dare to run here are not afraid of death, collaborating with the enemy at this juncture? However, it is also possible that these court officials are actually the spies of the State of Zhou, and they work harder than others to get a higher position.

Moreover, some of these officials often have close contacts with the crown prince or the first prince.

Li Mingjin reported the matter directly to Emperor Tiansheng, which caused Emperor Tiansheng to be furious, so he directly sent more people to him and let him continue to investigate.

Li Mingjin ran outside every day in order to check the assassins. Luo Shuyu was a little worried. The weather was getting colder and colder, and he was afraid that he would get sick or something. When he returned to the house every day, he would first let him drink a bowl of **** soup.

Compared with Li Mingjin running outside, it is much easier for Luo Shuyu to enter the palace to fight wits in the palace. It is nothing more than being stabbed by the crown princess, or taking a trap thrown by the first prince, not to mention the queen and the queen dowager. All of them had to respond well, otherwise they would cause trouble for him and Li Mingjin.

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