Chapter 107: lucky

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Jiming Mountain, a mountain with a very similar posture when a rooster crows, hence the name.

At this time, at the foot of the mountain, there are thousands of elite soldiers wearing the clothes and palms of ordinary people. They all have the atmosphere of soldiers, and their expressions and postures are very different from ordinary people.

This is my third day here on Tuesday.

After his elite troops entered the border of Daxia, they divided the troops into five parts and went to Jiming Mountain along different roads, which was their meeting point.

The original plan was to arrive here in three days, but now it is the third day, and only three people have arrived, and there has been no news from the other two.

The advisor who followed him on Tuesday said: "Second Highness, will there be any delays on the way?"

On Tuesday, I felt that my right eye kept jumping: "The routes we arranged were intentionally driven by the crowd, and we walked on small roads, not official roads, so it should not be easy to meet people, even if we did, the two generals They are all experienced people, and they can handle one or two on their own.

The advisor made another guess: "Should the whereabouts of our people not be discovered by Daxia's army?"

On Tuesday, I felt that things were a little serious, and sent another wave of people to inquire.

Before a minute or so, the person sent out yesterday to inquire came back with more than a dozen soldiers who were all wounded!

Now reporting the situation to Tuesday is a thousand households from the fourth detachment.

"Second Highness, our team suffered heavy losses while crossing the reeds!"

Tuesday pursed his lips and said, "What the **** is going on, tell me carefully!"


"We crossed the reeds and then climbed a mountain to join the main force, but we were not far away when someone rushed out, we were ambushed, the other party was very aggressive, using fire attacks, half of our soldiers broke It was damaged inside, and half of it ran out, but was killed by the people who were ambushed on the shore. Those people fell with their swords, and there was no room for us to fight back, Second Highness, it is too miserable, it is too miserable!"

The person who answered was crying as he spoke.

On Tuesday, his brows really couldn't be loosened, and his heart was no less painful than this Qianhu: "Do you know who are those who ambushed you?"

Qianhu shook his head and said, "I don't know, they all cover their faces and wear ordinary people's clothes, but they are all the same color and well-trained. I guess it should be a local garrison."

After the thousand households finished speaking, they started to cry again. On Tuesday, seeing that he couldn't ask anything useful from his mouth, he let him go to treat his injuries, and he could save one by one.

Things to know now.

The fourth detachment was ambushed by a wave of people, and it was gone.

The fifth team, which has not appeared for a long time, may also fall into the trap of the Daxia people. Who is playing this oriole behind?

He is still careless!

He thought that letting the elite soldiers disguise would be enough to hide from the sky, but in fact, he still took it for granted.

The unbridled exchange of Da Xia on Tuesday was due to the trust of the fourth prince, and secondly, his status in the Zhou Kingdom. His father was healthier than Emperor Tiansheng, and he is still in a state of being able to have children. Ye Yusan There is no problem with women, he can send troops to Daxia because he has his support behind him. However, in the same way, in their Zhou Kingdom, there are many princes and princesses coveting the throne, and the royal family is now fighting to the death. He wants to find another way to help him in the future by looking for the help of the Great Xia Kingdom. The fourth prince who defeated the first prince and the crown prince is the object of his choice. The relationship between the two is also very deep, and their cooperation is deep enough.

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