Chapter 3: Did he really say that?

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In "The Four Big Brothers Are Fighting to Marry Me After Going Through the Book", from the beginning to the end, it is from the perspective of the protagonist Shen Mingyun. Only when Shen Mingyun meets Luo Shuyu will he have a corresponding description of him. The number of times the two intersect is actually Not much, but Shen Mingyun is obviously hostile to Luo Shuyu, and every time they get along alone, Shen Mingyun will sneer at him.

The cause should be related to the fall of Luo Shuyu's grandfather's family, and Shen Mingyun was also implicated before he defected to the Luo family. Therefore, with preconceived prejudices, Shen Mingyun never wanted to see Luo Shuyu. After finding out that Luo Shuyu ignored him, he even intensified verbal abuse against him, and he scolded him every time. Treating people politely, he is not very good at arguing and cursing, he can only be silent and ignore them. A big man backs up.

After reading the book, Luo Shuyu discovered that Shen Mingyun scolded people like a shrew simply because of his lack of knowledge, but such a person was called an unconventional and rare talent by the bigwigs he liked. It is a great irony for their lives to be frank by sex.

After reading the psychological description of Shen Mingyun and his origins in the book, I realized that this person is ignorant and knowledgeable, he can't even write calligraphy well, and he has a godlike help. Shen Mingyun calls it the golden finger or the system. Luo Shuyu understands things with a wide range of knowledge as immortal objects. Otherwise, how can Shen Mingyun become a person who knows astronomy and geography, reads poetry and books, and is familiar with the art of war.

As the male protagonist, Shen Mingyun can encounter various events wherever he goes, including the encounter with the third prince. The process of their encounter still occupies a large amount of space in the early stage. Of course, this is also for the future third prince Li Mingjin as a book The villain laid the foreshadowing, and it is the antecedent of his family's death in the future on the charge of "treason". Shen Mingyun held revenge. The encounter between the third prince and him was not so good. Although Shen Mingyun always felt sorry for Li Mingjin's good appearance, he was still afraid of Li Mingjin. He still prefers other princes, and finally chose to give up the third prince.

Luo Shuyu remembered that Shen Mingyun said the most in the book is: children only do multiple-choice questions, adults need all.

He didn't choose Li Mingjin because he couldn't bear Li Mingjin's character. He felt that this person terrified him, that his eyes would eat people, that the whole person was too sinister, not easy to provoke, and had a tendency to violence. These are all in the book. Shen Mingyun's psychological description of Li Mingjin.

When Shen Mingyun came to the capital, he was very curious about everything around him. He was like an unfamiliar wild cat. It can give Luo Renshou some eclectic suggestions on the courtroom. In the book, Shen Mingyun calls it a system task. He can get a point for each task he does, and then he can buy it at the system level to make him beautiful. To get more fascinating props, there are many kinds of props, Luo Shuyu wants to get a set after understanding the function of these props, but unfortunately he does not have a system.

The encounter between Shen Mingyun and the third prince was very ordinary.

That day, he rented a small boat for rafting, and heard the sound of someone being whipped on the boat next to the mural, so he got a system task prompt and immediately asked Li Mingjin to let him go. His boldness caught Li Mingjin's attention, but he only got one sentence from Li Mingjin. : Don't mind your own business.

Of course, Shen Mingyun refused to leave until he could save anyone, and even shouted, "Is there any king's law in the world?"

But in the end Shen Mingyun was let go, because the arrival of the fourth prince rescued him.

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