Chapter 46: fight back

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Luo Shuyu was a little surprised by his reaction at this time, shouldn't he?

He knew very well how much Li Mingjin looked forward to the birth of his child in his previous life, and stayed by his side almost whenever he was free.

But in this life, when he mentioned this issue to Li Mingjin, why did he have a different attitude?

Could it be that he really doesn't like children? Just to get along with him?

Luo Shuyu didn't know whether to be happy or sad for a while.

However, he also thought too much.

If he really intends to fight, it is really not suitable to have children now.

If this is the case, it is still in line with his current plan, and it is a bit beyond his expectations.

Li Mingjin didn't want the child to come too early, and the two of them thought together in tacit understanding.

It's not that he doesn't like it, he just hopes it will be later.

Maybe he has other plans. He believes that Li Mingjin will not dislike the child. After all, he spent several nights in his last life just to give the child a good name.

Luo Shuyu felt that he might have thought too much. He had to think twice about everything he did recently. He was a bit habitual. He couldn't think about Li Mingjin like this. This is the person he should rely on.

Luo Shuyu re-emphasized: "Does Your Highness mean that you don't want it yet?"

Li Mingjin didn't answer clearly, but instead asked him: "Then do you want it?"

Luo Shuyu said with reason and reason: "I have read a book that says that having a child too early may be bad for your health. If Your Highness asks for it later, I have no opinion."

Li Mingjin seemed to be relieved: "Then we will be later."

Not only did Li Mingjin relax a bit, but Luo Shuyu also relaxed a lot. The two of them simply reached a tacit agreement to have a child later.

Both sides have secrets that they are not willing to share for the time being.

Since they don't want to say it, they don't ask each other, and the two maintain such a tacit understanding until the end of the ice kick.

On the return trip, the sky was relatively gloomy, and it was estimated that it would snow again.

The carriage shared by Emperor Tiansheng and Concubine Lin was at the front, the carriages of the princes were in the middle, and the carriages of other officials were at the back.

In the winter, Li Mingjin no longer rides a horse just to be handsome in front of his daughter-in-law, so he sits in the carriage with Luo Shuyu.

Halfway through the trip, it really snowed and there was a strong wind.

The team in front stopped, and Li Mingjin sent someone to check what was going on.

The guards came back soon to report: The road ahead was sunk in the snow, and Emperor Tiansheng's carriage fell into the pit. At this moment, he had to change the carriage and pull out the wheels of the first carriage before continuing to move forward.

Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin had foresight. There was a brazier in the car, and Luo Shuyu also had a sleeve stove in his hand. They were not cold. As for whether the others behind them were cold or warm, it was unknown.

Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin sat bored and chatted a few words about the road.

He remembered that Shen Mingyun often mentioned a sentence in the book. This was also the infrastructure suggestion that Shen Mingyun provided to the Fourth Prince through the system in the later period. Now that I think about it, it really makes sense.

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