Chapter 16: garden rape

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Regarding Shen Mingyun's actions to prevent Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin from getting married, Luo Shuyu is also highly cautious. The two secret agents sent by Li Mingjin are also relatively professional. The system was uncovered.

With the presence of professionals, Luo Shuyu's heart fell back to the truth. Li Mingjin was framed in his last life, not because he was incompetent, but because he didn't have a system to issue tasks and props, and props were very important to Shen Mingyun's growth in this world.

According to Shen Mingyun's usual style, every time he wants to hold an event, he will first publicize it for a while, mainly by sending flyers, posting advertisements in major stores, and asking for word of mouth. Obviously, otherwise Shen Mingyun would not have accumulated a huge amount of wealth so quickly after arriving in this world. The money he earned was later used to recruit troops to buy horses for the fourth prince, which really proved that "the husband and the husband are of the same mind, and their profits cut gold". sentence.

Did Shen Mingyun take out "Oiran 101" to stop him and Li Mingjin's wedding? If so how would he stop it? How to scan pornography?

In the past life, this event had nothing to do with his wedding with Li Mingjin. Shen Mingyun was busy making money, while Luo Shuyu was busy getting married, waiting for marriage in Luo Mansion, and they had nothing to do with each other.

In the book, only Shen Mingyun's planning for this event and communication with people were written, but at that time there was no such thing as Shen Mingyun wanting to destroy his marriage with Li Mingjin. What would he do?

Seeing that there are less than ten days to be married.

Shen Mingyun's warm-up period for the event was just 15 to 20 days. By then, the event would spread throughout the capital and become a hit.

"Sweeping pornography" is not so easy, after all, in their era, the existence of brothels is legal.

Wait, the Fourth Prince also seems to have a brothel. Although it is inconspicuous, it is also a middle-to-upper-level passenger flow. In the later stage of the novel, when he and other princes scrambled for the throne, they used it to transmit information from various places, which was not small.

What was the name of the brothel he opened? It is definitely not Huancai Pavilion. This brothel has an official background but it is not as big as the fourth prince. In the book, no one knows who the owner of Huancai Pavilion is, not even Shen Mingyun, who has been dealing with people in Huancai Pavilion for a long time. , This is also one of the places that Luo Shuyu was very puzzled when reading the book. It ended without explaining the content clearly, but later he didn't care too much. "I just remembered.

Who is the owner of this Huancai Pavilion?

Luo Shuyu wrote down this doubt for the time being.

It was a cloudy day today, and it was finally cooler. Luo Shuyu sat in the yard to enjoy the shade after dinner.

Ansan came first to report to Luo Shuyu the information from Shen Mingyun today.

Shen Mingyun's actions are indeed different, and it is difficult not to be remembered.

"What other feats did Shen Mingyun do today?" He is now preparing to marry, and he can't run out every day, so he waits for Ansan to report on Shen Mingyun's situation every day, and then makes plans.

Ansan respects Luo Shuyu like he respects the third prince. After all, he is the future third imperial concubine, and he does not dare to be sloppy when he does things.

"He was writing and drawing in the yard today. I saw that he wrote a list. I didn't know what to use it for, so I copied it down for the son to see." Ansan then handed over his copied list.

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