Chapter 13: Premarital Course

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Besides Luo Shuyu, who else could have a date with Li Mingjin, Shen Mingyun never thought about inquiring about Luo Shuyu's whereabouts, if he were more careful, he would not have run up to him and made this stupid little report.

Shen Mingyun's behavior of provoking discord is too obvious, it is difficult for Luo Shuyu to know what he is thinking, not to mention that he also knows that he has a system hidden somewhere in his mind.

He was very sure that there was no section in the book where Shen Mingyun provoked his marriage with Li Mingjin. Even the marriage was something Shen Mingyun wanted to get rid of. Is he really so kind to help him escape from marriage? In his opinion, not necessarily, Shen Mingyun has no sympathy for these "ancient people", and only considers them to be NPCs who have obtained merchant coins.

Could it be that because of his rebirth, the system could detect his existence and prepare to issue a mission for Shen Mingyun to obliterate his existence?

If this is the case, then what he has to deal with is Shen Mingyun who has the system, and dealing with the system is the ultimate goal.

The sudden change made Luo Shuyu's vigilance even stronger. Before, he had never considered that the system could detect whether he was reborn.

In the book, Shen Mingyun performs tasks under the guidance of the system. He is bound to the system, including tasks that are mandatory. He does not have any initiative, but he has a natural tendency to the system. From the point of view of reading the book, I don't think the system is so scary, but now, if the system really finds that Luo Shuyu is reborn, which is inconsistent with the purpose of the mission it released, it is possible that his existence will affect Shen Mingyun, then the system will The task of dealing with him was announced to Shen Mingyun, and the system became the object that Luo Shuyu had to deal with in the end. As for Shen Mingyun, is it just a tool attached to it? After reasoning like this, Luo Shuyu actually felt that it was reasonable, but what was the purpose of attaching the system to Shen Mingyun's mind?

In short, if Luo Shuyu wants to live a good life in peace and stability, he must not only make Shen Mingyun disappear, but also make the system in his mind disappear. He has to deal not only with people, but also with things that are strange or not. The difficulty is abrupt. Increase.

Despite this, he is not afraid of anything, at least Shen Mingyun's actions are predictable, as long as he controls his movements.

After reading the full text, he did not find that the system had occupied Shen Mingyun's body, thinking that it could not control the body.

Here in Luo Shuyu, he has another document to record and an invisible enemy to deal with.

At this time, Shen Mingyun didn't get the response he deserved. He asked Luo Shuyu, "Aren't you worried about your future?" He couldn't help but despise the ancients' compromise on his own destiny. If Luo Shuyu accepted his fate, he could only start from the third prince. .

After a round of well-founded guesses, Luo Shuyu already knew Shen Mingyun's purpose, and he followed Shen Mingyun's train of thought: "I will marry him soon, and I will be the wife of the third prince in the future. The third prince can take a concubine, but also The confidante outside can have a good time, but I can't control it, my marriage contract was given by the Holy One, how can I change it, even if you tell me that he lives in a brothel day and night?"

After listening to Luo Shuyu's words, Shen Mingyun showed more sympathy for him, thinking that it was indeed a bit miserable, Luo Shuyu couldn't change his own destiny, but didn't he come to help him solve it!

He thought it was good to persuade him: "Don't you want to change? If you marry a man like him, your rest of your life will be ruined!"

With 200 mall coins, he would not give up anything, Shen Mingyun began to give Luo Shuyu an idea, and decided to give Luo Shuyu more chicken soup: "I'm really not worth it for you, you are the son-in-law of Shangshufu, you have to look good. , If you want to be famous, why should you stick to an imperial decree, I think you should think more about yourself, or you might as well let the third prince ruin your marriage."

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