Chapter 87: New product launch

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In previous years, the birthday gifts Li Mingjin gave to Emperor Tiansheng were sent to the capital in advance.

What kind of gifts did he give Emperor Tiansheng?

Either the small objects he carved by himself, or the local delicacies he went shopping on the street. Sometimes Li Mingjin was too perfunctory, so he went straight to get a tree root, planed it by himself, changed it, and gave it to Emperor Tiansheng to get a shape. sent over.

He was actually regarded as a treasure by Emperor Tiansheng, and looked forward to his gift every day.

At that time, Li Mingjin didn't understand why Emperor Tiansheng liked his gift. Luo Shuyu went to tell him that he was angry with the taste of mountains and seas, and occasionally eating porridge and side dishes was also a delicacy in the world.

The gifts given in the next few years were all thought of by Luo Shuyu and him, and it was considered that he had tried his best to please Emperor Tiansheng, and it was no wonder that he was looking forward to Li Mingjin's congratulations now.

As soon as Li Mingjin stood up, everyone's eyes fell on him, but he wanted to know what strange things he made this year for Emperor Tiansheng.

Others are either calligraphy and painting or literary play, and Emperor Tiansheng likes them, but there are not too many new ideas, and it is inevitable that they are the same, but there is no big mistake.

Emperor Tiansheng looked forward to it.

What kind of gift will he receive today?

Li Mingjin never thought that he would still be treated like this, but the more he did, the more he felt that he was more and more important in status, and his efforts over the years were not in vain.

Li Mingjin is now more talkative than before: "Father, what I brought back is actually only a special product of Gucheng. Don't think your son is shabby when you see it later."

Emperor Tiansheng smiled, and was less patient than Li Mingjin before: "Okay, everyone else is quick and easy, you are the most verbose, let me take a look."

Li Mingjin: "Father, what are you worried about, my gift is not as precious as everyone's."

Emperor Tiansheng was impatient with him: "Hurry up."

Li Mingjin clapped his palm, and someone behind him began to bring gifts forward.

Before Tian Shengdi saw it, the people near the door let out low laughter.

More than a dozen plates were presented, each of which was a familiar crop!

Rice, wheat, red dates...

When Emperor Tiansheng saw it, what Li Mingjin meant: "The third child, what is this?"

Li Mingjin: "This is the birthday present I want to give to the emperor."

Emperor Tiansheng was very puzzled: "Tell me about it?" Soon he knew that Li Mingjin was selling his money here.

Li Mingjin didn't care about the smiles of other people at all, and what he said next would make their faces dull.

He pointed to the first plate of fresh rice that had just been pounded and said, "Father, this is new rice grown in the area south of Gucheng. It is also a new variety. The yield per mu is 300 catties."

When Tiansheng heard this, he immediately stood up and wanted the **** to bring the rice to him, but he decided to go down and take a look faster: "Is it really possible to reach 300 catties per mu?"

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