Chapter 79: a fat man!

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When Shen Mingyun was pregnant, Luo Shuyu could only sigh with emotion.

As a son, it is really rare to be able to hold two for three years, and the world really takes good care of the protagonist.

But there is still a gap from the book. Luo Shuyu read 800,000 words. Before the fourth prince ascended the throne, Shen Mingyun was not pregnant, but now he can not only get pregnant, but also give birth one after another. Is this the third child?

One flowed in front, the second one was born smoothly, and now it's the third one.

The child in his belly is less than two months old, so he is a little embarrassed.

Shen Mingyun stayed outside with Ha Chi for more than a month, and the child was a little unclear.

Luo Shuyu looked at Shen Mingyun with suspicion. With the way he hooked up with men, he might have something with Ha Chi.

I am a little envious of Shen Mingyun's body. Running around like this, the child in his stomach can still be preserved. He is very strong. It is not easy to be a child of Shen Mingyun.

This child of Shen Mingyun is just right for Luo Shuyu. It is good for them to keep this child. Although it is extremely unfair to this unborn child, it is indeed a very good opportunity for Luo Shuyu. He does not need to provoke the fourth prince and Shen Mingyun. Shen Mingyun himself can make a mess of the matter, as long as the child is saved, he can't tell, and the fourth prince will doubt whether the child is his or Hachi's little prince. In the end, it has nothing to do with Luo Shuyu whether the child is born or not, and what he has to do now is to help the fourth prince save the child.

Luo Shuyu specially instructed Lin Yuan to give him a contraceptive pill three times a day. He was not allowed to go anywhere except the Third Prince's Mansion. He must let him keep the child before the Fourth Prince sent someone.

Why didn't you send someone to **** Shen Mingyun back to the capital?

Of course he couldn't do that, because he couldn't afford anything that happened on the way.

The letter to the fourth prince was sent back quickly. Luo Shuyu also specifically mentioned Shen Mingyun's pregnancy in the letter. Presumably, when the fourth prince learned the news, his face would turn blue and white, and any husband secretly ran away with others. , In the process of being pregnant, everyone will think more.

As for Shen Mingyun, he still adheres to the view of "cleaners self-clean".

At this time, Shen Mingyun, who was imprisoned in the Third Prince's Mansion, started to do some **** again. He wanted to go out, but Luo Shuyu, who was staring at him for twelve hours a day, wouldn't let him go. There are very serious guards with evil spirits all over their bodies. This is the double guarantee arranged by Luo Shuyu's system to prevent him, that is, Luo Shuyu will not be allowed to go out.

Shen Mingyun could only yell in the yard: "I want to call the third prince concubine, what does he mean by locking me up, and I'm not a prisoner!"

Madam Liu, who was most trusted by Luo Shuyu, said with a stern face: "Fourth Prince Concubine, the master has arranged you here for your sake, and the doctor also said that your journey has been rough, the fetus in your belly may be unstable, and you are needed. After resting for a month, you can move around. After the child in your stomach has stabilized, it is not too late for you to go out to breathe. The master is doing this for your own good. Since he has taken you in, he has to explain to the fourth prince. He has to be unkind. Unrighteous."

If the fourth prince is by Shen Mingyun's side, Luo Shuyu certainly doesn't care whether Shen Mingyun wants to protect the child in his womb, but now that the fourth prince is away, he must let Shen Mingyun's child keep until the fourth prince sees him, at least for the first three months, keep this child Steady.

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