Chapter 97: multiplayer game

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Time flies so fast, the precious babies in the third prince's mansion are almost able to turn over, and they are raised in vain and plump.

The faction of the four princes kept handing over memorials to Emperor Tiansheng, the Daxia Kingdom could not live without a prince, and no matter what, it was necessary to establish one.

It has been almost two years since the former prince hanged himself, and the matter of the prince is not something that cannot be mentioned.

Today, Emperor Tiansheng has more and more physical problems, and the number of times he seeks an imperial doctor begins to increase.

After the heavy drinking of the full moon, Emperor Tiansheng caught a cold soon after. Although the cold is only a minor illness, at his age, a minor illness can become a serious illness if it is not cured. Emperor Tiansheng is fortunate that there are Concubine Mei and Concubine Xian. Staring at him taking medicine on time, this time the cold was dealt with in the past. But it is the troubles in the court that cannot be dealt with in the past. Emperor Tiansheng is not able to sit at the desk for a long time as he used to. In the past, there was a prince who could share the burden, but now he handles it alone. Although the six departments and the cabinet share the burden, but The workload of this Great Xia Kingdom is still huge.

It is not unreasonable for some people to propose the establishment of a prince. They do need a clear prince. To put it differently, if Emperor Tiansheng is sick one day, or suddenly dies, the new prince can immediately take over the follow-up work. .

The Fourth Prince's faction naturally thinks that the Fourth Prince is the most suitable. First, he went to Jiangnan to find evidence that the imperial concubine's family had committed a crime, and overthrew the noble concubine.

Although there is still a Yan family party in the court, most of them are not a climate. The fourth prince is now gaining momentum, and he is quite valued by Emperor Tiansheng. Many important things are entrusted to him. On the other hand, the third prince, After returning to Beijing, he did not hold an important position, and Emperor Tiansheng did not intend to let him return to Gucheng for the time being.

Many people find it strange that Emperor Tiansheng is very fond of the young grandson of the third prince's family, but he did not let the third prince take the task in Beijing. Does this mean that he will still be released back to Yanjing?

Emperor Tiansheng couldn't pretend he didn't see anything about the speculation in the court and the memorials that flew like snowflakes. He summoned the fourth prince more and more frequently, but the third prince was still very low-key.

Emperor Tiansheng only called the fourth prince five times to see the third prince once. Anyone who looked at it would feel that Emperor Tiansheng intended to belong to the fourth prince, including the fourth prince himself.

This time, he really stabilized, and he didn't waste his efforts to plead guilty, and now there is still a little scar on the skin behind his back.

On this day, Emperor Tiansheng once again called the fourth prince to the imperial study and asked him some political opinions.

After the fourth prince left with a satisfied smile, he met Li Mingjin, who was also sent to the imperial study by Emperor Tiansheng.

"Third brother, why did you enter the palace today?" The fourth prince had an indescribable pride written on his face. His expectations for the future were getting higher and higher, and sometimes he would inevitably show a hint of pride.

"Enter if you want." Li Mingjin still choked.

Emperor Tiansheng talked with the fourth prince about Chunwei, and asked him which chief examiner should be the appropriate examiner. When he thought that Li Mingjin could be a gentleman, it had nothing to do with him if he wanted to come to Chunwei, but the fourth prince had already sent people to suggest it many times. Let Li Mingjin go back to Gucheng, but he had little effect. Emperor Tiansheng was indifferent. He was still very worried. When did the emperor let his third brother go back to Gucheng?

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