Chapter 111: I gave you a chance

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"What's the matter, please make it clear, don't hesitate!" Luo Shuyu was so angry that he was no less than Li Mingjin.

The dark guard replied: "Yes, as soon as His Royal Highness entered the palace, he was controlled by the people of the fourth prince and was held in solitary confinement. An San followed him, and now his life is safe. His Highness asked me to tell the master that he has his own opinion. There is no danger for now."

"Is it still dangerous to be locked up by the fourth prince?" Luo Shuyu didn't believe what the dark guard said at all, but they had also expected that the fourth prince would immediately attack Li Mingjin after Emperor Tiansheng's death, which was almost as expected. "If you bring some more dark guards into the palace, you must protect His Highness. Everything in the palace is in order. The people who are guarding here are the people brought back by Gucheng, and there will be no danger."

The dark guard began to hesitate again: "But His Highness asked us to come back to protect you and the little master."

Luo Shuyu said: "Leave half of the staff here, and bring half of the people into the palace. No need to say any more, it's just this decision."

The two masters had their own opinions, but the dark guard knew very well that Luo Shuyu also had the right to speak, and did not dare to disobey.

Luo Shuyu told himself not to be too nervous, and care would be messy. They had already arranged staff in the palace. If he wanted to come, Li Mingjin would follow the fourth prince, and he probably had his own considerations and arrangements. All he had to do now was to wait for Li Mingjin to return , don't cause him trouble, and don't disturb his plans. Since he is willing to capture it, he will also have corresponding countermeasures.

At this time, the fourth prince did not expect that Li Mingjin's eyeliner was everywhere in the imperial city long ago.

I just don't know if Emperor Tiansheng left behind before he died.

The death of Emperor Tiansheng happened in the morning. The fourth prince's mansion was close. The fourth prince rushed into the palace with his men and horses first. He knew in advance that the throne would be passed on to him. Before he could read it, he already had a sense of immersion, and he was bound to control his third brother at the first time.

Sure enough, his third brother was not as smart as he thought. When he entered the palace, he didn't even bring a saber. It was easier than he imagined. Don't be in a hurry.

Presumably Shen Mingyun's side has already set off for the Third Prince's Mansion. They have properly allocated their work in advance, and now they just need to act according to the plan.

The Fourth Prince felt that there was no difficulty at all.

At this time, Emperor Tiansheng's body had been carried out of the bedroom. He found a will in the dark room of Emperor Tiansheng's bedroom, and he was in a very happy mood.

He walked quickly out of Emperor Tiansheng's bedroom, and decided to hand over the edict to the Zuo Prime Minister, who would read it out. Now he has the highest official position, and he is considered to be Emperor Tiansheng's trusted minister, the Zuo Prime Minister. Can convince the officials below.

The fourth prince was full of confidence. He had seen this edict and took it away without opening it.

He said to himself placed in the palace: "Go and call all the officials, and read the father's last edict to the court. I will personally ask the third brother to let him listen to the father's last will."

Everyone acted according to his orders. Those officials who had opinions on the Fourth Prince were all **** by him to the Hall of Supreme Harmony, which was the place where Emperor Tiansheng went to court on weekdays. He wanted to read it here and let everyone Everyone knows that he is the future emperor, and it is not good to fight against him. It is better to do things for him and recognize him as the new master.

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