Chapter 47: dangerous!

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Luo Shu Yu Liming Jin knew what crazy implied.

He was born in winter, of course, implied that his nineteen year old birthday is coming.

Before Luo Shu Yu Liming Jin did not have a marriage and, in terms of Liming Jin birthday is not so important, but now Luo Shu Yu appeared, with him every day are very happy, they want to get his attention, wants each holiday together with him too.

Liming Jin Yu did not think Luoshu received his cue, two days before the birthday of arrival is extremely melancholy, even have to eat a bowl.

The Luo Shu Yu still nothing had happened like read a book, for painting, look at the books.

Liming Jin's birthday before day, he is not in the Luo Shu Yu swinging around, not too high emotions got into the study.

Luo Shu Yu behind him brought back a hint of a smile.

They really lovely home Highness, these two days, his face shining written soon be his birthday, he may not know how, not to mention, he has never forgotten, early for him to prepare birthday gift.

Young people are not the birthday do, they naturally in your family had a too.

Luo Shu Yu remember, the last generation of Liming Jin never do birthday feast, birthday that day will receive a closing ceremony at the palace birthday gift, a gift as well as other officials, Luo Shu Yu really seen him eat longevity noodles, then, Luo Shu Yu did not know his habits, did not give him ready.

Recall the year of his own, he can not wait to go back to the original could beat himself, had never been seen Liming Jin necessarily want to give him a bowl of longevity noodles under it.

On this day, Liming Jin in the library reading, he was afraid his bad mood affect the Luo Shu Yu.

The Luo Shu Yu fell happy in his study alone, quietly arrange servant to Liming Jin's birthday tomorrow arrangement, he also received Meifei to his letters and a bunch of gifts, but these, he received the first good, not out, Liming Jin tomorrow to prepare a surprise.

It's all he learned from the book, Chenming Yun often according to their modern way to manufacture pure Li surprises in the book, some of the modern mode Luo Shu-yu feel good, you can learn to use in Liming Jin who, as long as two people are happy there's nothing wrong.

Luo Shu Yu Liming Jin is now ready to surprise, so he had to open a nineteen year old birthday a happy heart.

This year is the first year they were married, you had better take over, every day had to be the anniversary.

At night, Liming Jin tightly around a busy day of Luo Shu Yu, eating at him for a moment considered cool down, he was going to tell Luo Shu Yu tomorrow is his birthday, he found that Luo Shu-yu storm was already asleep.

He particularly wanted to whack bed, just should not let him go early, eating two is much more.

Tomorrow do not know if he listen to imply bluntly Well, that is a little bit sad, a young married woman do not even know his birthday, he hinted several days!

Birthday the same day.

When Liming Jin got up, Luo Shu Yu also got up.

He would also like the audience was, Pro out in front and complex looked at him hanging jade of Luo Shu Yu.

Liming Jin cautioned:. "Yu child, think about what today is an important day."

Luo Shu Yu pretending to be hard to think the next: "Oh, sir, not to mention I do not know, the winter solstice is the day after tomorrow."

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