Chapter 40: I'm back

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Luo Shuyu was a little flustered for a while when he encountered something he didn't know in his previous life, but he quickly told himself that he had to calm down.

So what should he do now?

He paced around the room thinking about what was going on, but he couldn't think of a reason for a long time, because it was not mentioned in the book, he had never encountered it himself, and there was nothing about Li Mingjin hurting people on the school grounds. .

It's a pity that he can't go to the school grounds now.

In the memory of his previous life, he had never seen Li Mingjin use a whip to hit anyone. Occasionally, he heard about Li Mingjin's smuggling deeds from the outside, and he was indeed scared when he heard it.

Xu is that their relationship has been developing smoothly in this life, so he downplayed this matter, just thought it was a rumor, but now the fact tells him that things are not so simple, it is true that Li Mingjin will whip people. Yes, it's actually happening now.

Since the two got married, Li Mingjin in Luo Shuyu's eyes is indifferent to his servants, but he doesn't beat or scold them. If it's not pleasing to the eye, butler Sun sends him away. He has almost never seen him beat people, or even scold them. . Treating Luo Shuyu with such a good temper, let him sleep on the couch without getting angry, but instead learn others to dance swords early in the morning to make him happy.

How could such a gentle Li Mingjin whip someone with a whip? There must be something happening that he doesn't know about.

What could it be?

Why would you whip someone with a whip on the school grounds where there was Emperor Shengtian?

What was Li Mingjin's state at that time, was he awake or not, was he stimulated or did he take the initiative?

Luo Shuyu asked the guard, "You weren't there when Your Highness hurt someone?"

Guard: "We are all isolated outside. Your Highness is standing with the others. The prince, the eldest prince and others are all there."

Luo Shuyu: "Tell me carefully about what you know."

Guard: "Yes."

The person who came back to tell Luo Shuyu about the incident was Jiang Guard, who was always with Li Mingjin. He was plain in appearance, and he would not be given a second glance when walking in the crowd. Luo Shuyu would answer whatever he asked him.

What he knew was also known by the other guards.

At that time, Li Mingjin sat on the top with the prince and others to watch the competition on the school field.

Most of those who served in the Imperial Guard were young talents in the capital, who had done a good job and were capable. If Emperor Tiansheng looked down on him, he could also be a guard in front of the imperial guard.

Most of these people are related to court officials, some may be in line, some are not.

During the competition of the Imperial Guards in previous years, Emperor Tiansheng would also send several princes to practice their skills. All the princes of the Daxia Kingdom were both civil and military, and naturally had the ability to protect themselves.

The same is true this year. Emperor Tiansheng is looking forward to several adult princes to show their talents on the stage and fight for their Li family.

The fourth prince went up first, followed by the third prince, then the first prince, and finally the prince.

The fourth prince Li Mingchun's martial arts are not bad or not, and he can be tied with the opponent. Emperor Tiansheng's face is not so good.

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