Chapter 91: "a kind reminder

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Regarding the establishment of the monument of longevity, Shen Mingyun mainly focused on the last time he was tricked by Luo Shuyu. Luo Shuyu killed the fourth prince and was scolded by Emperor Tiansheng. When he came back, he gave him a look. He couldn't take this breath, so he took the initiative to think Remediate Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu once.

He thought about it for a long time, how far should he go to make the current emperor fear Li Mingjin?

Shen Mingyun has systematic help in the end. He knows what Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin have done in Gucheng. If they were other people, Shen Mingyun would definitely praise their behavior, but Shen Mingyun, who was blinded by anger, did not see this. All I saw was that the fourth prince scolded him for not being reliable, and all I saw was that he might not be able to be the queen in the future. He was the protagonist and could not be pulled down, and he would also learn to fight in the palace.

Yes, he is now the fourth prince concubine. Fighting with Luo Shuyu is a palace fight. Thinking about it, it is quite inspirational. He thinks this should be what he should do as the protagonist, and there is no need to inform the fourth prince. And give him a surprise.

After thinking about it, it is suitable to send someone to erect a long monument for Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu at the foot of the imperial city. It can let Emperor Tiansheng see through their ambitions to be emperors, and then dislike Li Mingjin. At that time, Emperor Tiansheng will not focus on the four. On the prince? The crown prince position is easy to get, it is really a good way to kill two birds with one stone.

Shen Mingyun thought that he was really smart, this kind of thing is not something ordinary people can think of.

Of course, he didn't think about the current trend of public opinion in combination with current events. If he thought about the wisdom of the ancients in palace fighting, he might know how reckless his behavior was today.

He would not have thought that his move was not to send the third prince to the grill, but the fourth prince.

Because of the miscarriage of Luo Shuyu, the fourth prince was called into the palace, and was scolded by Emperor Tiansheng. Now there is another immortal monument. No matter who it is, they will not think that the third prince built it for himself. He stayed in Gucheng for six years. If he wants to erect the monument of longevity, it must be the people of Gucheng. Who would believe that a common man did not erect the monument of longevity when he was in Gucheng, and went to the capital to do it, no matter how he thought about it. Reasonable.

And it also happened to be the time when Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu returned to the capital. From this point of view, it had nothing to do with the common people. Even if they were stabbed in front of Emperor Tiansheng, he would still not believe that Li Mingjin would personally send someone to erect a monument of immortality for him. In addition, the fourth prince had just done something that annoyed Emperor Tiansheng, so this time he must be thinking about the fourth prince.

The fourth prince also learned about this, and he was still thinking about who was so stupid to set up the immortal monument for Li Mingjin, someone came to tell him that it was the fourth prince's concubine who did it. Want to vomit blood.

What the **** is this Shen Mingyun doing!

Has his brain gone shit? At this time, they should keep a low profile and keep a low profile, instead of making big fanfare to frame Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu.

If the strategy was perfect, he wouldn't say anything, but the matter of erecting a long monument is really clumsy!

Can't you say anything about the gift that Luo Shuyu sent?

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