Chapter 105: couldn't hold back

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in the palace.

Shen Mingyun and the fourth prince got off the carriage one after the other. Shen Mingyun asked again and again, "Is your father really sick?"

The fourth prince nodded: "The news just came from the palace, saying that the father suddenly passed out after using the porridge this morning, and the breath is very weak now. Transparent medicine makes a big difference."

Of course Shen Mingyun wouldn't tell the fourth prince that it was given by the system: "It's just a matter of the past two days, have you got the edict you asked for?"

The fourth prince shook his head: "I have it or not, and I don't know if my father wrote it or not, but I plan to stay in the palace for the past two days, never leaving the palace. Whenever I have a chance, I will look for the imperial edict written by my father. In short, the imperial edict. The name written on it must be mine."

Shen Mingyun: "What if it's not yours?"

Fourth Prince: "Then I will write a copy myself."

Shen Mingyun asked him again: "But don't all your edicts need a jade seal, and you don't..."

The fourth prince whispered: "The jade seal is just a dead thing, how difficult is it to make one?"

Shen Mingyun now has a deeper understanding of the ambitions of the fourth prince, and his thoughts are not only changing: "In this case, is it necessary to care about your father and emperor?"

Fourth Prince: "So your bottle of potion is used to send him away. Father is old, I am afraid that he will not be able to make a decision, so I can only make the final decision for him."

Shen Mingyun sneered: "The third prince has a simple mind and is not a suitable candidate at all. There is no need for your father to consider him."

The fourth prince: "But I can't help the third brother who has won the father's heart all these years. I wonder how he coaxed the father."

Shen Mingyun was a little afraid of the "fierce" Li Mingjin and the "insidious and cunning" Luo Shuyu. After seeing them, they couldn't observe quietly, so they couldn't discuss more with the fourth prince, but only showed the disgust when they mentioned them. look.

"They are really embarrassed and too cunning."

The fourth prince agreed with this: "It is indeed."

Not to mention Tuesday, the fourth prince and Shen Mingyun can still coexist peacefully. The fourth prince knows how to look at his face, and Shen Mingyun is someone who has all his emotions written on his face. As long as the fourth prince coaxes him, Shen Mingyun can't get angry even if he wants to. Now he is gradually forgiving him.

The two are in the same trench now, sharing life and death. From another angle, it is quite romantic.

When they were about to reach the palace of Emperor Tiansheng, the two stopped chatting.

Before entering the door, I heard a faint sobbing sound from inside. Several concubines who had been favored by Emperor Tiansheng for a while were standing by and wiping their tears with a handkerchief. If it's gone, can you not cry? Fake crying doesn't exist.

Concubine Mei and Concubine Wei Xian, who were in good spirits in the past, had sad faces and frowned.

Seeing these scenes, the fourth prince was even more certain that the father emperor might die soon.

Before entering the door, his face was still gloating, but now he immediately changed to a sad expression and rushed to the edge of the dragon stall.

The fourth prince pretended to mourn and said: "Father, father, sons and ministers are here!"

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