Chapter 17: Dispose of Liu

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Luo Renshou received the news from the servants at home, and he didn't know what it was, but when it came to human life, he didn't dare to delay, and hurried to the house immediately. At the same time, he also sent someone to call Luo Shumo and Luo Shuhan home. If anything happens, they can also be used to the top.

On the way home, he also asked the servant who came to him: "What's the matter?"

"Master, I don't know either. It was Qingwang, who was next to the third son, who sent me to inform you to go back, saying that it was a major matter of human life."

Luo Renshou pinched his eyebrows in distress: "Shu Yu? What happened to him?"

The servant couldn't answer him, Luo Renshou stroked his right eye that was beating non-stop, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

Didn't Luo Shuyu's dowry replenish him? Why is there still trouble, and what is he doing? His father is now like a decoration, and he has been leading him by the nose recently.

Luo Renshou pondered in his heart what was going on.

When he returned to the mansion, the housekeeper was already waiting at the door. Seeing that he looked flustered, he led Luo Renshou into the hall and said, "Master, something really happened this time."

Luo Renshou asked him as he walked, "What's the matter, why are you calling me back in such a hurry? I'm busy at the other end."

The housekeeper hesitated for a moment, then whispered: "Mrs. Liu Yong had an affair with the maid Ping'er in our garden and was caught by the third son on the spot. The maid cried and said that the madam forced her to do something, etc. Liu Yong Then he was kicked on the ground by the angry third son, and he rolled on the ground for a long while in pain, and just recovered. Now the third son has locked them up separately, and no one is allowed to see each other. He also called his wife. In the hall, I looked at the third prince and looked like he was going to eat his wife, I guess the trouble was a little big, and I even called the guards of the third prince's mansion, and now no one is allowed to enter the hall."

Luo Renshou caught the point, his face ashen: "You said that Liu Yong had an affair with the maid in the garden? He thought Luo Mansion was his home or a brothel!"

The housekeeper was also helpless: "Master, that fornicating maid served in front of Mrs. Chen back then." The housekeeper was shrewd and didn't say anything he guessed, but only reminded Luo Renshou of the well-known things.

Luo Renshou always felt that he was churning with energy and blood now, but after spending many years in the officialdom, he was still safe.

What did Luo Shuyu find?

The only thing that has stimulated Luo Shuyu the most recently is his mother's affairs. When he mentioned this, Luo Renshou felt that it was another troublesome thing.

After catching Ping'er and Liu Yong on the spot, Mammy Feng called the people who were guarding the third prince outside to enter Luo Mansion to protect Luo Shuyu. Now some are guarding Liu Yong's door and some are in the hall. At this time, Ping'er in the hall was strictly guarded by several maids, who blocked her mouth to prevent her from speaking, and bound her hands and feet to prevent her from self-harm.

Liu was "invited" by Luo Shuyu before. At first, she thought Luo Shuyu had a dowry affair with her, but when she entered the hall, she found that her legs were weak after seeing Piner. Where is this? Little things!

Her brother Liu Yong happened to come to her this afternoon to ask for money. A few days ago, because he had to make up for Chen's dowry, he was even deprived of his qualifications as a housekeeper. Where does she have money now! She scolded Liu Yong and told him to get out. Who would have thought that he was so daring to have an affair with Ping'er in Luo Mansion, and he almost passed out her anger after hearing it, and when she saw Luo Shuyu's cold face, her legs were even weaker, and she couldn't even stand still. !

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