Chapter 24: is not what it means!

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On the first day of their marriage, Li Mingjin and Luo Shuyu would go to the Cixin Palace to offer tea to the empress dowager, the emperor, and the queen. There were also the princes and princesses who came to watch the new couple of the three princes. I don't want to join in the fun, but the third prince is different. He has always acted boldly and has always had a bad reputation. No one dared to bully him in the palace. Like his mother-in-law, he has a bad personality and is difficult to get along with.

The Cixin Palace is really lively today, and everyone who should come has come.

The queen mother is already a little old, but she is still full of energy and well maintained, so she can't tell her real age.

The current empress dowager is not the biological mother of Emperor Tiansheng. To mention the late emperor is another confusing and complicated account.

Speaking of this, I have to mention the current queen. She is the queen mother's niece. This is why Emperor Tiansheng is not close to the queen, but rather favors Concubine Lin who has been with him from the Prince's Mansion to the throne.

The factions in the court are naturally closely related to the harem. Now the concubines of the harem have already stood in line, let alone the court.

It's just that the Prince's faction and the First Prince's faction are evenly matched, and no one knows who will have the last laugh.

Now, only Luo Shuyu knows the ending of the book, the snipe and mussel fight, the fisherman wins, and let's see the future.

The queen mother heard in the morning that Li Mingjin had asked an imperial doctor to see her legs this morning. Luo Shuyu and Li Mingjin were arranged to sit down as soon as they arrived, and Luo Shuyu also rubbed the chair.

The eldest prince and the prince went to the end of the Cixin Palace at the same time. The two of them were peaceful on the face, but inside and outside the words, there were all kinds of competition between you and me. , I won't let you, and you won't let me, even if you say auspicious words to the queen mother, you have to compete with each other who's words are more auspicious, and more comfortable for others to listen to.

The Empress Dowager didn't seem to see the dark waves between them, and smiled and accepted their auspicious words. In the end, Cixin Palace was closer to the prince.

Today, neither the eldest prince nor the crown prince are the protagonists. Immediately, Emperor Tiansheng and the queen also arrived, and the next step is the process of the newlyweds serving tea.

The two first offered tea to the queen mother, the queen mother drank it, and gave them a pair of precious jade pendants.

Emperor Tiansheng didn't have to kneel and kowtow when Li Mingjin was injured due to official duties, but drank the tea they respected directly. He also gave them a lot of auspicious objects with good morals, and he was not stingy at all.

Seeing that the Empress Dowager and Emperor Tiansheng gave the third prince a lot of respect, the queen was also very generous in her actions, and gave a pair of jade dragon and phoenix pendants.

Luo Shuyu had met the elders, the crown prince and the crown prince, the eldest prince and the eldest prince and concubine. All of them greeted each other. Luo Shuyu thanked them one by one, and stood beside Li Mingjin.

Emperor Tiansheng and the empress had a good impression of Luo Shuyu, so the empress asked him to sit down and tell everyone about the turbulence in the marriage.

The queen smiled and said: "God bless Ming Jin can come back safely. At that time, His Majesty and I almost canceled the marriage for you, or Shu Yu said that he would be willing to marry you in life or death, but I was moved. ."

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