Chapter 27: the show begins

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Recently, Li Mingjin used a clever method to transfer the blueprint given by Luo Shuyu to the prince. The prince is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and the eldest prince couldn't sleep well. Li Mingjin's suspicion of Luo Shuyu's existence gradually decreased.

At the beginning of the fight, Li Mingjin was a little suspicious that Luo Shuyu was too strange to him suddenly. Not only did he cry when he saw him for the first time, but he also took the initiative to send him drawings. He was skeptical for a while, but later, he found out through the investigation of the dark three that the prince had verified the drawings in person, and it seemed that there was no disadvantage to him. His concubine was credible, mainly because he really did not find any shortcomings. , Everything is top-notch, beautiful and kind-hearted, looks special to him, and has a good temper.

When Luo Shuyu asked Chen Rong, Li Mingjin also observed his expression. He asked very naturally and his expression was the same.

Li Mingjin swallowed the millet cake, pulled Luo Shuyu to the seat he just sat, and asked him, "Why do you want to know his origin?"

Luo Shuyu did notice this because he saw Chen Rong. He didn't think about it before because he didn't encounter it. Now, when he encounters people and plots related to the book, the relevant content will automatically appear in his mind. Don't want to miss the slightest bit of useful information.

It was also a temporary intention to come to the study to find Li Mingjin with a millet cake. Unlike the drawings, he had to think about the reason in advance. He suddenly asked Chen Rong, and there was really no special reason to explain it. However, after thinking about it, he had an idea. When Shen Mingyun couldn't explain the fresh ideas he came up with in the book, he used the old foreigner to explain it.

Luo Shuyu, "Do you still remember the mysterious person I mentioned to you?"

Li Mingjin: "Remember." But he has never seen the mysterious person mentioned by Luo Shuyu, and he may have met Luo Shuyu before their marriage.

Luo Shuyu took advantage of the situation and broke it down. It seems that it is not a big problem to replace the book with a mysterious person. There is a gentleman surnamed Chen who is quite intelligent and resourceful, and is a rare talent, I don't know if he is the same person as Mr. Chen in our house, so I have this question."

Li Mingjin: "So it is." Chen Rong, as his aide, is so big that he can't see it when he looks up, and there is no need to hide it from Luo Shuyu, so he said, "Chen Rong was the one who took the initiative to mention to me that he wanted to be me. His aide was a champion in his ancestors. Later, because of the change of dynasties, his family moved to the south of the Yangtze River, and his family background is considered innocent. It's just that this person is a bit weird and has no interest in the imperial examination, but as you said, he is resourceful and foresight, and there have been people before. He recommended him to me, but I ignored it. I thought that talented people would choose to go to the Prince's Mansion or the First Prince's Mansion. Later, to my surprise, he recommended himself to me. I asked him why he chose to go to the Third Prince Mansion, he told me he just wanted to keep his peace, he didn't know what he meant."

Luo Shuyu: "Xu means literally?"

Li Mingjin: "No matter what, it's just that we have one more mouth in the house, and it doesn't affect anything."

Luo Shuyu smiled: "That's true."

At this time, it is not appropriate to ask Li Mingjin whether to fight for that position. The eldest prince and the crown prince are now fighting each other. Why not watch them fight to the death and give them a little firewood occasionally, wouldn't it be more interesting?

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