Chapter 1

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Rain drummed violently against the windows, obscuring my vision out. A rumble of violent thunder could be heard in the near-distance as the budding storm grew closer and closer. I swallowed, trying to wipe away the dry, dusty air that clung to the back of my throat from the blowing heater system.

"Psst, Jen." I snapped out of my daydream to face my best friend Rosé. She said nothing but pointed to Lisa with the tip of her No.2 pencil.

My brows furrowed as I watched her fumble with a small aluminium breath-mint box, except that she didn't take out any breath mints. She put some white powder onto a miniature scoop and bowed her head down to sniff it up. She lifted her head, wiped her nose and put the tin back into her pocket, not caring if anyone noticed.

My eyes widened in Rosé's direction but we knew better than to comment on it aloud. Lisa was someone that you didn't want to mess with. Her family were notoriously known around our neighbourhood for their violent streak, chain of crimes and various public fights.

She tilted her head back, while looking at the ceiling tiles. The posture defined all of her neck muscles and a sharp jawline that you could measure with a freaking protractor. Hazel eyes lulled into the back of her head and she breathed out a heavy exhale towards the ceiling.

Rosé and I exchanged another look. Lisa was as high as kite, floating around the sky when she should be sitting at her desk solving algebra equations.

As lightening crashed through the Earth once more, the lights flickered off and then back on again, the sky screamed a thunderous roar which sounded like it came from directly above us.

"This storm is really picking up." I whispered to Rosé, feeling the pit of worry build in my stomach.

After a delayed few minutes, the lights went off again, this time staying off long enough for the dimly lit generator lights to come on. The intercom chimed above our heads.

"Attention students, the school is going into full lockdown. Nobody is to leave until the storm has passed. Could all students report to the gymnasium immediately, classrooms will be locked but the sports hall and library will remain open."

"This blows, I had big plans." Rosé complained as we packed all of our books into our bag.

"You wanted to go home and watch Teen Wolf." I pointed out, and she smiled at me, totally confirming my accusation.

I glanced out of the window again, it was approaching three in the afternoon but the sky was so dark and bleak that it felt like night had fallen.

"I hate it when the weather is like this, knowing that my dad is out there, driving around town in it."

Rosé's grey eyes softened on me with compassion.

"Oh Jen, I'm sure he'll be fine. He's careful and good at his job. Try not to worry too much."

Easier said than done.

The gymnasium was heaving with the whole school separated into groups and spread out on the glossed floor. Each class was called up to a desk to sign their name on an attendance sheet but then were told to use the time strategically, meaning to study.

Krystal pulled her ginger hair into a messy bun and snapped her skinny fingers at us. She wanted us to go over our dance routine, because we couldn't possibly miss a single practice. Her personality was caught somewhere between a perfectionist and a tyrant, and currently I wasn't in the right frame of mind for either.

"I'm gonna go call my Dad real quick." I told my squad and walked out into the corridor where the noise levels were not so loud.

My phone flashed up with 'no signal' and I sighed, my stomach whirling around and around with a nauseating ball of anxiety. I walked towards the off limits fire escape staircase, aiming to get higher and closer to the outdoors. Yet still; 'No signal'.

I watched the bars of my network as I climbed higher, silently cussing my phone for its lack of change. The stairwell was very dark and the cold hit me instantly.

I could hear the wind blowing around the airy stairwell, echoing creepily like I was trapped inside some ghost movie. Overhead generator lights flickered and buzzed, setting the horror-movie scene further.

Second floor, 'No signal'.

Third floor, 'No signal'.

One more floor and it would take me right to the rooftop.

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