Chapter 22

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I didn't reply, there was no use. I went to my friends with a genuine concern, they laughed and told me that it was no big deal. Maybe it wasn't a big deal, perhaps I was making a mountain out of a molehill because I'm hyper sensitive about this stuff. Maybe it is me, perhaps I do give off that kind of vibe. Taehyung probably really was harmless but still, he was triggering something inside of me that put me at unease and the only person who seemed to care about that wasn't even in school today.

I looked back at her empty chair and felt that horrible rush of anxiety once more. As the day went on, I looked out for Lisa, she was in almost every class of mine, except today she was definitely absent from school and I felt angry and disappointed at that.

I was being selfish, I knew something went down last night with her family - probably something bigger than this, yet I was looking for her because she told me that she would sort out my Taehyung problem and part of me believed her. Now the end of day bell was ringing and I had no choice but to make my way to the gymnasium.

I dressed into the spare dance uniform and stood with Rosé. Taehyung walked in from the guys' locker rooms and stretched his tendons.

"I'm gonna be right back." Rosé held her index finger up to me and then made giant strides towards Taehyung. "Hey fucktard, if you lay one hand on her where it shouldn't be, I'm gonna get hold of your pencil dick and cut it into little pieces like a damn chipolata sausage, you got that!?"

"Oh my God." I whispered.

Taehyung looked past Rosé and at me, I squirmed awkwardly. The gym door bashed open, and everyone watched Lisa walk straight for Taehyung. She shoved Rosé out of the way and grabbed Taehyung by his gym shirt.

"Outside, now!" She warned.

"W... what?" Taehyung stuttered out.

Rosé looked back at me with wide eyes.

"Too damn fucking slow!" She dragged him towards the door by the scruff of his neck. Taehyung protested, he tried to fight back and then he just resorted to screaming for help.

Everyone followed him out, but nobody helped him. Nobody would dare go up against Lisa, they only challenge her behaviour behind her back.

The fight was like a mountain lion going up against a wingless, and blind blackbird. Absolutely brutal. Taehyung stood no chance. Lisa dragged him into the courtyard, the one with no cameras or windows.

She pushed Taehyung to the floor by kicking him in his back. Taehyung dropped to his knees with tears streaming down his face, stemming from his fear.

Lisa pinned him down onto the floor and took hold of his arm, bending it backwards viciously. Taehyung screamed in pain, begging for his life between frantic sobs but Lisa ignored them, grabbing his wrist and cracking it. She did the same to the other arm, while breaking it in two different places.

"How long will this get him out for?" She asked Krystal, who flinched a little at her words but her lips didn't move to reply. "How long!?" Lisa growled.

"A few weeks, maybe six to twelve. I don't know." She uttered nervously.

Lisa stood up and stomped her foot down across Taehyung's ankle and a loud snap made everyone fall silent.

"Anyone say anything about this and I'll be back for each and every one of you, one at a time! Don't fuck around with Jennie! Leave her alone!"

She kicked Taehyung in his side and he rolled over groaning on the floor. "None of you fuck with Jennie, if you all know what's good for you!" she directed her threat at every face around the circle "And especially you. Don't you dare prance around like you can walk all over Jennie. So watch it!" She pointed at Krystal.

But then she left, disappearing into the darkness of our high school parking lot without saying a single word to me.

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