Chapter 47

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"Jen, you up?" My eyes darted open. Lisa sat up on the floor like a frightened little mouse, her hair cutely dishevelled and her cheeks just a little bit rosy. I put my finger over my lips signalling for her to be quiet.

"Yep." I croaked out in reply.

"You don't sound like you're up, you'll be late if you don't get up now." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm up dad!" I yelled, clearer this time. I heard his footsteps move across the creaky floorboards in our hallway and I flopped back down on my bed. The television was still on with Netflix asking if I was still watching. I clicked it off with the remote and rubbed my eyes. She got up, folded the blankets and sat in my hanging rope chair, procrastinating.

I was procrastinating too. Last night she made us watch 'Stranger Things'. I didn't tell her that I tried to watch it before and couldn't get into it. I didn't tell her that mysteries annoy me because I'm too impatient to find out the answers. I didn't tell her that it was the perfect show to have running the background while we made out. Instead, I just lay next to her, engulfed in warmth and simple frustration.

I wanted to hold her hand, but I didn't. I wanted to cuddle into her chest and have her wrap her arms around me, but I didn't. She kept her hands resting on her legs. I kept my hands resting beside me on the bed. Our bodies didn't touch, not even shoulder to shoulder. Her leg didn't so much as brush up against mine. We had the Netflix and chill without the 'chill' and the deeper we got into 'Stranger Things', the more my mind fantasied about kissing her.

Fuck, Jen. This is a problem.

I pushed the comforter off me and moved towards my closet, deciding on something to wear today. It was chilly, fall was in the air so I got out my jeans, a sweater and a scarf. Lisa sat ultra-quietly, watching my every move but not saying anything.

"Jen, I'm coming in!" Dad yelled from behind my door again, Lisa stiffened in her seat and widened her eyes. I've never darted so fast in my entire life. I pulled my oversized night shirt above my head and bolted towards the door opening it just a crack and poking my upper body out. I did it without thinking, amidst my spare of the moment panic.

If it wasn't bad enough that Lisa turned up on my doorstep unexpectedly last night, seen me wearing my dad's tatty old band T-shirt from the 80's with a slapped back messy bun and mid-macaroni feast, I was now standing in my mismatched underwear right in front of her. Fuck my life, but at least they're both black.

"Dad, I'm changing. I'll be right out." My dad instantly blushed at the sight of my bra.

"I'm sorry chicken legs, I thought that you were still in bed. I'll leave you alone." I closed the door, feeling the coldness hit my overexposed body. I didn't want to turn around, I could feel Lisa's eyes on me everywhere. I kept my hand gripping the door knob until my knuckles went white. She cleared her throat awkwardly and I closed my eyes, slowly braving the turn around.

"So... this is my body." I pointed out awkwardly, gesturing down myself like I was on a commercial trying to sell something. I have no idea why I just did that, I got nervous but now she was looking right at me and I think I made things worse.

"Yeah." She mumbled, making direct eye contact with my general torso area and wringing her hand against the nape of her neck. Her cheeks were bright red.

"I needed a cover..." I pointed my thumb back towards the door "... for my dad." I further explained the obvious.

"Yeah." She replied again slowly, making eye contact with my breasts this time.

"I should go put clothes on now." I opened the drawer and got fresh underwear out and then grabbed my clothes into a ball.

"Yeah." She repeated, with her eyes hooked onto my panties, I was wearing a thong and she just got an eye full of my ass. At least now she was looking at the front. Wait, I don't know if that's better or worse.

"Stay here, don't make a sound." I warned.

"Yeah." She repeated again, caught in a trance at my general nakedness.

I showered, changed and then returned back to my bedroom. Lisa was pacing over the rug backwards and forwards like the pendulum of a metronome. She stopped when I entered the room.

"Hey." I said, ignoring the last few minutes like they never happened. "I look cute in this outfit, right?"

"Uhh... what?" She uttered nervously.

"I'm gonna go eat breakfast with my dad and then he will drive me to school. When we leave, you can come out and help yourself to some food but you got to be out of here before he gets back."

"Okay... yeah... thanks... I will."

I smiled at her and then headed towards the door.

"Jennie?" I turned back to face her, my pinned half-up-half down hairstyle swishing weightlessly afterwards. Lisa smiled at me, with a glowing, beaming, and toothy grin. "I've made it five days." I mirrored her expression.

"So you did, and I'm super proud of you, Lisa."

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