Chapter 83

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"And she thought we were together, do we give off that vibe?"

I loaded my tray with a small pot of strawberry flavoured jelly and grabbed some blueberries.

"God I hope not. Let's go sit with her."

She handed her dinner card over to the canteen lady and then tilted her chin towards Lisa. She sat at her usual table, alone and at the back of the cafeteria, hunched over her dinner tray. Rosé walked ahead, with confidence. I trailed behind, with butterflies in my stomach. She sat down without saying a word and slowly those hazel eyes lifted from her pasta and landed on us.

"Are you lost?" She asked without any expression.

"No we're sitting with our favourite dancer." She winked at her and I bit back a smile. "How did you get that new gash down your face?"

Lisa's eyes fleeted to me and her brow furrowed. "You didn't tell her?"

I shook my head.

"Tell me what?"

"That I fell, when we were dancing. Couldn't do the lift."

Rosé laughed in a light-hearted way and I lowered my gaze because if she looked at me right now, she would catch me in Lisa's lie.

"That sucks." She commented and took a bite out of her sloppy joe burger. "So how much do you make in a night?"

Lisa's eyes sharpened on her.

"Rosé!" I dug her with my elbow lightly to shut her up. She gave me a pointed stare and then turned back to face Lisa for an answer.

"Five hundred to a thousand, sometimes more." Lisa surprisingly answered.

"In one night, wow!" She chewed her food and swallowed it down, then she drank from a carton of juice. "So how does one go about having sex with you?"

"Oh my God." I covered my face and looked away, dying of embarrassment.

"What do you mean?" Lisa asked.

Rosé licked her tongue over her teeth, trying to remove the bits of meat caught between them and then closed her lips. "If I wanted to book you in for sex, how would I do that? What would I be getting? How do I know if you're worth the money?" She glanced at me and smiled "Asking for a close friend, of course."

I'm going to fucking kill her. She kept her eyes on Lisa and she turned to face me, raising a brow. I held my hands up in an unarmed stance.

"She's not asking for me." I told Lisa, shaking my head with extra oomph.

"First of all, it wouldn't be you or one of your friends because I don't go with anyone I know on a personal level. Secondly, a conversation of limits, boundaries and consent would be discussed prior to our exchange. Said client would know exactly what to expect from our encounter. I'll know what they want from me, they'll know what I expect of them."

She took another bite of her burger, and I hadn't touched my food. My face was beet red and I couldn't look at Lisa in the eye.

"But..." Rosé continued after pausing to eat more of her food. "How do we know... or I know that you're good at what you do? I could pay you a decent amount and you could flop around the bed like a fish out of water and fail to make her cum."

"I can make a girl cum!" Lisa spat out, successfully rattled by Rosé's taunt.

"Ooh, confident." Rosé smiled at me, I widened my eyes at her begging for her to stop. This conversation was torture for me.

"No, not confidence just facts. Anyone can have an orgasm. You can give yourself one and be just as fulfilled. In my experience the women who come to me aren't looking for an orgasm, sure they wouldn't leave without one but it's not about that. It's about wanting to feel respected, listened to, valued, confident and beautiful. That's what they pay for."

Lisa stunned Rosé into silence but I could hear her thoughts roaming around her mind, conducting her next question. Eager for information, formulating a written piece of text in her brain that excites and interests and entices even the most simplistic of minds.

Lisa, satisfied with her answer continued eating with a little smile causing small dimples to appear in her torn cheeks.

"Well, what about us?" Rosé's voice spoke up once again.

"I'm sorry?" Lisa asked, after swallowing down her pasta.

"So say I booked you..."

"I wouldn't accept you, we've been through this."

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