Chapter 97

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Early morning sun was breaking through the voile curtains, it cast a yellow glow on the room. I squinted in the brightness and moved my hand around the bed searching for Lisa's body. Come to think of it, I didn't even remember her coming to bed last night.

I sat up and rubbed the tiredness out of my face, a cold breeze was blowing in through the balcony door so I followed it and noted Lisa sitting on one of the deck chairs.

"I'm not smoking." She held up her empty hands.

"I'm not accusing."

She laughed. She was dressed in the same outfit that she had travelled in and she didn't look like she had slept a wink. She looked out at the rooftops and greenery that we could see from our balcony. She was so fucking perfect, even from her side angle.

Her nose slope was sculpted immaculately, she had little delicate freckles over her nose and far better lashes than me. Her hair was messy but in a sexy way and she just had a cute early-morning tiredness to her.

"Didn't you sleep?" I asked.

She turned to face me, slouched back in her chair and smiled. "Nah you fell asleep, I gave you the bed."

"You won't sleep in the bed with me?"

Her smile widened.

"When have I ever slept in the bed with you, Jennie?" She stunned me to silence. "Besides, it's kind of creepy to climb into bed with someone uninvited, don't you think?"

I wrapped my arms around myself to shield my skin a little from the cold. Autumn in France was chilly and I was only wearing an oversized T-shirt.

"Hopefully they'll sort the room situation out today and I get some sleep."

"Is that what you want?"

She stood up and set her hazel gaze on me. "What do you want?" She turned the question back on me.

"I want you to quit being a fucking asshole and just sleep in the bed with me. I don't understand why you're so distant with me all the time." I kind of exploded, I think my outburst shocked her but she kept her face and manner calm.

"Jennie, we had an arrangement. I dance for your team, you pay me an amount and you wooed my mom." She waved her finger between us "This is a business transaction. The rules were set out before we entered into it. Don't let lines become blurred."

"The rules." I scoffed. "You mean the no kissing rule?"

"I apologised for that, I took the blame. I explained that was on me."

"And then you did it again and again and again."

"Okay, so there are some flaws in the system but generally we need to keep those rules in place, Jennie. I don't do sleepovers, I don't do vacations. You buy my services and if you want more, you buy that too. Let's just be professional about this, yeah?"

"Fine!" I snapped back, clearly not thinking any of this was fine. "The bed's free, I'm going to breakfast. Let me know when you've moved out of my room."

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