Chapter 52

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Chocolate mousse dropped off the edge of my spoon like sludge. It was thick and bubbly but mostly flavourless.

"What are you wearing?" Rosé waved her brown marked spoon in my direction and then licked the plastic clean. I sighed, dropping my mousse back down onto my tray.

"A hoodie." I stated the obvious.

"Whose hoodie?"

I bit back a smile and she nodded in approval. She scooped another spoonful of mousse into her mouth and sighed. "Krystal is so full of bullshit, she is only cutting you from the team because she knows that you're the better dancer. What are we going to do about this?"

I dropped my head into my hands and shook it, releasing a little growl.

"You think she's a rapist?" She mumbled, trying to keep her chocolatey mouth closed as she spoke.

I removed my hands and set them down next to my tray. "No." I answered firmly, pausing to think for a moment. "She says she's not." I added and Rosé laughed.

"Of course she does." She rolled her eyes and tossed her hair over her shoulder. "You know, rape comes in many different ways. She could've been drunk and willing but unable to consent, she could be younger than us and unable to consent. Lisa could've been pressuring her until she felt cornered into eventually saying yes."

"Do you think she raped that girl?" She tilted her body to look behind her, she sat quietly staring at Lisa. I stared too. Lisa sat on a table in the furthest corner of the room. She was inspecting the texture of her chocolate mousse with a scowl on her face. Every table surrounding her was completely empty. In fact, people squashed themselves onto other tables just to distance themselves from her.

She smelt her spoon. I smiled to myself, she was strange and reserved. Her hair was messy, with just a swish of caramel flopping over her head like she had just rolled out of bed and ran her fingers through it. Her perfect cupid's arrow lips pressed together in dismay, beautifully pink looking so soft that I just wanted to kiss them.

"No, I don't." Rosé turned back to me, snapping me out of my daydream. My attention focused in on her smoky grey eyes. "She has kind eyes, my grandmother always said kind eyes, and kind heart. I don't think she raped anyone. But she's tall, looks strong too, her hoodie is gigantic on you."

I looked down at the grey zip up jacket that flooded over my hands and draped loosely over my breasts.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying... that you're size compatible and she can be bought." She set her phone down on the table, pushing it across to me. "My step-dad has an endless money stash and we're down a dance partner. Makes perfect sense, Jen."

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