Chapter 65

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My eyelids split at the shaking of my trailer like a damn hurricane was happening outside. I sat up, half asleep listening to the trailer park dog barking and the door banging.

It was three in the morning, I was sleeping blissfully. Dreaming of the perfect evening I've just spent with Jennie but now I had to face the realities of my life.

I grabbed my baseball bat and tiptoed towards the front door. I could see shadows outside, the big shadows of Bryan's meth-head drug dealers.

"He's not here." I called out from behind the door.

"Open the door kid or I'll boot the fucking thing down!" They called back. I unclasped the pointless chain and opened the door, firmly holding the bat in my hand. The tallest one grabbed me and pulled me down my trailer steps.

"Your daddy owes us money!" He told me, with his charred teeth and his smelly breath.

"So go ask him for it!" I fought back with my words and he punched me in the jaw. I used my bat but there was two of them, and one of me.

The fatter guy held me back, keeping me in place while the taller one fought me with my own bat. Beating me black and blue all over my body. I groaned mercilessly, while refusing to beg them to stop.

"He owes us 3k. You've got three days kid and we'll be back!"

I lay on the ground, totally unable to move. Those fucking idiots marking my body didn't realise that my body was the only way that they were going to get their money. They were literally bruising the only thing that I was selling. At least the people who bought me somewhat expected shady behaviour, so when they saw it, they never questioned it.

My eyes fell onto my front door. The word 'rapist' was spray painted in red right across the front. I clutched my stomach and pushed through the pain, standing myself up and going to get a scrubber and a bowl of water for the billionth time this month.

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