Chapter 58

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She opened her mouth, seeming like she was going to get to the point, reveal her alternate motive but the waiter came over and interrupted us. I shooed him away after ordering two general pasta dishes, it was basically the only thing good here at Del Vino's.

"I want you to give me what I've paid for, are you this moody with everyone you date?"

No, but you've ruined my first date with you and I can't ever take that back. She's right though, she paid for this date. I needed to be the professional here.

"Fine." I mumbled. "Are you aware I'm recording this encounter between us?"

"Kinda hard to miss the recorder."

"Do you consent to being recorded?"

"I do."

Awkward silence fell all around us. My heart went into overdrive, ticking like an explosive bomb. I was crumbling like a shortcrust pastry under the pressure. I wanted to compliment her, she wore a black jumpsuit with a lace bodice, it was hot. My tongue suddenly felt really thick in my mouth and no words would form.

Everything I've ever said to the other women seemed stupid now, and cringeworthy even. I couldn't call Jennie beautiful, I couldn't give her romantic pep talks that empowered her and uplifted her confidence. It felt like an insult to have her pay me to say those things when I truly, truly believed them.

"So..." She broke the tenseness between us.

"No." I couldn't do it.

"No?" She asked.

"No, I'm not doing this. It's too weird. You're Jennie."

I wanted to tell her how I felt, lay it all on her and admit my feelings. It wasn't just physical attraction, yeah she's gorgeous but it was more than that. I loved her heart, she was magnanimous and benevolent. I loved how she didn't make me feel as wrong when I was with her. She was the light on a dark day and if I told her all that now, she wouldn't believe it.

"You're thinking too much about this whole thing, just relax and have fun. Tell me that I look hot in this outfit..." that comment got me so fucking nervous that I nearly choked on my own saliva. I wiped my palms on my trousers underneath the table and argued with myself mentally to get a grip. "... And try to flirt me into bed."

Fuck, no.

I stood up. "I'm out." The waiter brought over our food and my stomach growled with hunger. I sat back down. "Pasta first." I stated.

Shy awkwardness fell over us once more, I didn't know how to talk to her. I was intimidated by her, nervous at the sight of her. She knocked the breath right out of my lungs without even trying.

"So how long have you been doing this?"

"For a while."

"Do you like it?"

"Can we not? You paid for a date with me, that doesn't include fifty personal questions. The only thing you get to know about me tonight is my name."

"Oh, yeah. Sure. Of course."

More silence.

"So do you have a pimp?"

"No! What the fuck Jennie!?"

"What do they make you do, anything like, weird?"



What did she want me to do? Something weird? My dick twinge at the possibilities. Usually it's just sex. I get in, I get out. There's no connection besides physical. I provide them with what they want and I avoid them getting me off, most of the time I let them reach their climax first so I don't have to. I don't like anything that feels intimate. But with Jennie, I don't think I would be able to hold myself back.

"Enough fucking around, tell me what you want from me." She took a sip from a glass of fresh water and licked her lips. My dick was hardening in my pants, it went from semi-erect to a full boner with that little licking motion and then images of her in the thong replayed in my mind.

"I can't afford $500 dollars, I might be able to scrape together $300 a week but I'll need you three times a week for about an hour each time and it can't always be paid in advance. So how about we call it a friend's discount."

$300 a week, for a location outside of Del Vino's? Not paid in advance? I'm already bending the rules for this girl, that's not gonna pay my mom's meds but it will give me the excuse to hang out with Jennie.

"What are we talking about here?" I arched a brow.

"I need a dance partner."

It nearly killed me to hear those words, like they actually physically hurt me. Here I was, thinking I was about to get the best lay of my life and she wants me to be a fucking ballerina.

"Hear me out..."

"No." I shot it down.

"C'mon Lisa, just listen, please. Krystal cut me out from the team because you broke my partner. I just need you three days a week, after school for an hour. I'll pay you but also I'm not expecting to have you exclusively, you've got plenty of time to go take other girls on dates. Get money from them too."

"I don't dance."

"Sure you do, you just put on music and move your body."

"My body doesn't move in that way."

"I can teach you, I can make it move in that way."

Dancing, could I really do that? For a measly $300 it wasn't worth it but maybe I could make it worth it. Jennie can give me something in return, something nobody else can. It's just a little embarrassing to ask.

"I'll do anything you want, agree to any terms, please Lisa. There's a recital coming up, it's a big deal, I'll get the chance to go some of the world's leading dance schools."

"If I agree to this, then I want $300 a week and something else from you. I want you to pretend to be my girlfriend. Only to my mom. She's got this fear about me being alone, won't stop banging on about me getting a girlfriend. We wouldn't need to do anything, just tell her that you're into me and make it seem real."

"Okay. I can do that."

"Okay. Deal."

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