Chapter 75

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"Where did those come from?"

Rosé's curls bounced as her head tilted down towards her chest and then back up at me. A perfect toothed smile stretched her cheeks and she smoothly raised her brow up and down once. "Water bra, it's new. You should try it sometime." She stuck her breasts out and I squeezed them, feeling the liquid move beneath my fingers. "Feels weird, right?"

"It feels heavy, that can't be comfortable."

She pulled down her tank top to reveal her perky cleavage. "Yeah, but look how great my boobs are."

Lisa walked in, slowly every person in the gymnasium turned to look at her. Our eyes meet from across the room and I removed my hands from my best friend's boobs one at a time.

"I better go save her."

"Good luck." Rosé called out.

Lisa had a real shy demeanour about her sometimes, I was learning that, the more I got to know her. Walking into the gymnasium with an already formed dance group all looking at you, talking about you, judging you was throwing off her confidence. Usually, she would never walk into a situation like this. She stays away from people, takes herself off to an anti-social corner - alone.

"Hi, you came." I smiled at her. "We'll go over here, mingle with the guys and then Krystal will..." she grabbed my arm and pulled me back towards her. I grunted at her sudden movement.

"Where's your bag, Jennie?" She demanded.

"It's in my gym locker." I answered softly.

"And who knows the combination to your gym locker?" My eyes floated over to Rosé, she was showing Lucas her water bra.

"Nobody." I lied.

She breathed out a sigh of relief and then gestured for me to lead the way. All the dancers were sat around in a circle, as we approached them they stopped talking and looked Lisa up and down, with an unwelcome scowl.

"Guys, you know Lisa, right?"

"We know of Lisa." Momo spoke, dismissing her completely.

"Well, now you can get to know Lisa." Rosé defended, I gave her a thankful smile.

"Right guys!" Krystal announced, walking into the room with a swish of her ponytail and a clap of her hands.

"We'll start with Lisa's audition. This will be comical. Please, take the stage."

"Hey, close your eyes." I whispered to her as we got ready for them to find the right music track.

"What?" Lisa uttered nervously, I smiled.

"Close your eyes." I repeated. She was unsure but after mild hesitation, her eyes fluttered closed. "I'm wearing a thong today, it's lace and electric-blue. Imagine it. Imagine how my ass looks in it, how the delicate floral lace covers my pussy." Her eyes closed tighter, with wrinkles appearing in the outer corners. "In a few minutes my ass is going to be rubbing against your dick, I want you to enjoy that. I want to feel you enjoying that."

"Ready?" Krystal shouted.

"Mhm... yep." Lisa replied, sounding actually nervous now. She shot me a look and I smiled cheekily.

Lisa stood behind me, each in our starting position. Her hands held my waist and as we waited for the music to start up, all eyes on us and I could feel her erection pulsating against my ass.

"God, why do I put myself in this humiliating position?" Her words felt warm and tingly bouncing off my neck. It was nauseating and I pulled away from her immediately, wiping my neck and breathing rapidly. She glanced at me, utterly confused and then averted her gaze to everyone else.

"Jen, are you okay?" Rosé shouted.

My eyes set on Lisa, and she looked lost. All these people watching us, I just made it a thousand times worse for her. That looked suspicious and now I couldn't settle my racing heart.

"Jen, are you dancing or not? Because right now, you're just wasting our time."

"We're dancing." Lisa answered for me, taking everyone by surprise. "Come on." she held her hand out for me and I looked down at it, frightened of it. Timidly I walked back up to her, standing back in our starting embrace. This time I kept my neck away from her. Krystal would mark me down on stiffness but I didn't care, this wasn't my audition, it was Lisa's.

The music started up and together we danced. Overall Lisa did well, not great but well. She missed a couple of steps and her movements were rigid but it's more than I could ever hope and dream for after four days of practice. It would seem our distraction tactic really works well for her.

"Fine, I'll allow you a temporary spot but you don't get any warnings, you do anything wrong and you're out. Same goes for you Jennie, she's your responsibility." Krystal sighed out in defeat.

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