Chapter 19

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The blunted blade broke into the chalky powder, knocking it into three smaller white lines. I had Taehyung on my mind as my spine curved forward and I breathed in my temporary freedom. A bitterness sat on my taste buds, it rolled down the back of my throat in a slow blob, one that I could feel dissolving on its own. The taste of chemicals soon disappeared when my throat and tongue started numbing and my high took over.

The local radio station played music to me as I lay back on my mattress, feeling complete euphoria like at this moment I could take on the world and win it all. I was invincible, hypersensitive and alert. Like someone had given me a shot of Red Bull directly into my veins, only on a larger scale.

"I'm sick to death of you lying in bed all day every day. Get up you lazy bitch or hurry up and die!" I raised my head from the pillow, listening to Bryan's voice out in the hallway. My mom coughed several times and I jumped up from my bed, with my fists clenched.

"What the fuck did you just say to my mom!?"

She coughed more, while getting distressed.

Bryan set his gaze upon me, eyes so dark that you didn't know where the irises started and the pupils ended. He was a small man, and walked around the place like he was part of the tiny mafia. When in reality, he hid away from his drug dealers until I've paid off his debts. The only people that he's ever started a fight with, are mainly women and children.

His onyx eyes narrowed in my direction and his lip curled up in disgust. "You're fucking baked asshole, off my stash I bet."

I turned my back on him to walk away, big mistake. He picked up a vase from the side and cracked it over my head. My mom gasped, using her energy and breath to plead with us both. My skull throbbed but I didn't even stop to think about it. I grabbed Bryan by his neck and pulled him out of my mom's room, out of the trailer and shoved him to the ground.

He clambered to his feet and brushed the dirt off his shoulder. I quickly closed the door and bolted it. But it took him merely seconds to start booting the door in. With no avail, he took a baseball bat to the windows, smashing the glass to pieces before returning back to the door. The trailer doors were rubbish, he would get through it in a heartbeat. Break it right from its hinge, leaving it open to intruders who could put my mom at risk. Or at the very least make our trailer freezing cold - detrimental to my mom's health.

When he kicked a panel clean off, I opened the door and he almost came flying right at me. I shoved him back and he bounced on his feet like a wrestler ready to fight. "Think you're a tough one, don't you?"

I could see the generic twitching of curtains from the busy bodies in nearby trailers, clearly we had attracted attention.

Bryan stood among the empty beer bottles shroud over the ground. He launched at me, pushing me up against the tin walls of our trailer. He pulled out a silver pocket knife and dug it into the flesh beneath my jaw. My eyes widened, with my high fading away slowly. The sharp blade penetrated my skin, making a small prick in my flesh. I felt the blood trickle down my neck and seep into the collar of my T-shirt.

"Not so tough now, are you asshole!?"

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