Chapter 66

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The whispering and staring started all around me the second I set foot on school grounds.

What happened to her face?

I heard she...

Lisa had a fight with...

The cops tried to arrest her and...

Today was a struggle for me. I had a hard night - I told myself. It would ease the anxiety of all these eyes watching me. It would take away some of my pain. My brain made up a million excuses a minute - and I only needed one.

I pulled out my phone and attached a single white dove into a message to Sam along with my location and pressed send. It was okay, I was just going to take one hit. Just one to get me through and then I would put myself back on track again.

The bell rang and I slammed my locked closed, ultra-sensitive to the sounds and bright lights this morning. I took my seat in computer lap and wiggled the mouse to make my computer come to life.

"What the fuck happened to you?" Rosé asked, while assessing the damage to my face.

"Nothing. Mind your own fucking business." I shut her down, feeling irritated in my own skin. I needed fucking drugs, what was taking Sam so long to reply? Did he want my money or not?

"I heard you got ran over." Rosé commented, tapping a charcoal black nail on her mouse. I ignored her. "I heard the sheriff did it to keep you away from Jen." She threw her fist into the air, pretending to punch someone and then laughed.

"I owed some dealers money!" I spat out.

"You're using again?" She leaned closer, face full of concern and I bit my tongue to stop it involuntarily moving inside my mouth thanks to my withdrawal. This was my opportunity to come clean. To stop before I started again. Sam was probably on his way.

"No, of course not, it was my dad's debts." Instead, I lied my ass off and worse - I was in denial, trying to make myself believe that I wouldn't touch the drugs even if Sam brought them.

"Oh. Good." She looked back at her own computer screen and started typing.

I couldn't concentrate on the work set for the lesson. I was cold, sweating and trembling. I could feel every nerve in my body, it itched. It itched for drugs. I didn't just want them, I craved for them. I needed them. I couldn't live without them. Tapping, clicking and breathing. Everyone in this damn room pissed me off. I was a ticking time bomb, just ready to explode. I needed fucking drugs.

Finally, my text tone blocked out all of the sounds.

"No phones in class, Lisa." The teacher reprimanded.

"Is that Jen?" Rosé asked.

"Jen? Why would she be texting this loser?" Kai's ears pricked up at the mention of her name for some reason.

> Be there in fifteen. Sam.

"Because she's not a shit head douchebag like you?"

"No, she's just a drug addict rapist."

I ignored them as they argued across the classroom about Jennie and I.

"Shut it Kai, you're just jealous that Jen won't go back to your micro dick."

I stood up, pulling the attention off our snooty looking teacher.

"I need to be excused, I have an appointment with the guidance counsellor." The teacher nodded her head and dismissed me. I practically skipped through the school corridors, urging to feel the taste of cocaine at the back of my throat before it numbed everything.


No. She wasn't taking this away from me, not when I was this close.

"Lisa!" She called again. "Wait up! I have to ask you about your mom!" My mom? I stopped. My feet stilling on the ground.

"What about my mom?"

Jennie's eyes widened at the sight of my face. She reached her hand up and grazed her knuckles over my gashes delicately. I grabbed her wrist and backed away. "My mom?" I prompted.

"What happened?" She asked with concern.

"Nothing." I replied instinctively. My phone was vibrating inside my pocket. Sam was here. I was missing my chance. He wouldn't wait around for long, he's not allowed to be within 50 meters of a school because he got caught selling to underage kids.

"Lisa, what happened?" She repeated more sternly now.

"Bryan left. His dealers came after me."

She gasped, feasting her deep brown eyes all over my bruises.

"He always fucks off for long periods of time because he's shit scared of them doing this to him."

"I'm so sorry you have to put up with that." She said softly.

"It's not your fault." I replied.

"No, it's the drugs."

I looked away, feeling ashamed. "Yeah." I muttered, unable to meet her gaze. "I can still dance so don't worry about that." I scoffed. "Well, I can still dance as well as I could, which isn't well at all, so maybe you should worry."

"I'm not worried." She smiled secretively. "We've found a tactic that works for you." I matched her smile, I loved her smile. It relaxed all of my muscles like after a good orgasm, or inhaling a batch of decent blow. I looked past Jennie at the door and sighed.

"So, my mom?" I asked.

"Yeah, what should I wear? Should I bring anything? Does she know that I'm visiting? How should I be around her? What should I call her? I'm a little nervous."

Seriously, she stopped me scoring drugs for this?

Her cheeks were a little rosy and her breathing was a little wilder. I should be thankful that she was taking this so seriously. She cares. She cares about impressing my mom. That's so nice of her. I smiled at her reassuringly.

"Just be you and she'll love you."

Jennie's face didn't relax in any manner, I think my mum wanted more from me but she's literally on her death bed. I don't think it really mattered what Jennie wore at this point. My mom would just be happy that I was bringing a girl home.

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