Chapter 116

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"I can't believe I have you completely naked." I practically growled, a voice laced thick with desire. "I'm so fucking lucky. Look at this body." I swirled my hand around her skin, caressing gently over her stomach and pussy, her thighs and breasts. She squirmed beneath me, giggled in places too. "Tell me honestly Jennie, are you okay?"

"I'm okay." She replied.

"How should we do this?"

She looked puzzled for a minute.

"You want to go on top? You want oral? You like the fingers? Tell me what you want."

"I want..." she paused and then shook her head as if she was trying to shake the thoughts right out of her mind.

"What?" I encouraged softly.

"Nothing, it doesn't matter. It's pathetic."

I leaned up on my elbow, suddenly really interested. She placed her hands over her face, embarrassed. "Forget it Lisa, you fuck girls for a living. They have you doing all of this crazy stuff and what I want is silly."

"Jennie, I would rather be silly with you than to be with any of them. You know that, right?" She nodded but didn't seem sure. "Jennie, you're my person. You've always been my person. I think of you when I'm sad, it cheers me up. I think of you when I'm horny, it makes me erupt like a fucking volcano. I don't need to think of you when I'm happy because I'm only happy when I'm with you. Tell me what you want."

"Okay fine but it's dumb, I was thinking... maybe we could try to... dry hump." Her cheeks tinted red and I blinked at her silently for a few seconds. Dry hump? That's a first. "Just to get me used to it, the positions. The feelings."

"Dry hump." I tested the words out in my mouth.

"Like no entry, just rubbing yourself on me." I looked down at her body. She was pointing to her vulva, just a neat little smooth mound, mostly shaven but she had a strip of short hair up the middle. Jennie took care of herself, clearly she kept up with her waxing appointments.

"Dry humping, okay." I answered like it was the most casual request in the world.

Dry humping Jennie. It sounded like fucking torture. My dick had to glide across her, it had to be close enough to feel her heat and her wetness but not go inside her.

"Yeah?" She asked shyly.

"Yeah." I offered her a strained smile.

I slowly lowered my body down on hers, she gasped as my hard-on pressed between her legs.

"Don't go inside." She rushed out with a panicked voice. I rubbed the tip of my nose against hers and smiled softly.

"Relax, you're safe. I'm not gonna go inside, I'm not gonna pin you down, I'm not gonna go near your neck. You can trust me." She lay back, with her head sinking into the pillow, just waiting for me to do something, so I lowered my mouth down to her jaw, nipping at it gently. Her eyes fluttered closed and her shoulders de-tensed.

I leaned down, baring my entire body weight on my arms so I didn't press into her and kissed her lips hungrily, her hands snaked around my neck as eager for the kiss as I was but mine traced up the curve of her body, starting at her waist and moving up towards her breasts.

She gasped again as my thumb teased her nipple and I chuckled, nibbling her bottom lip with my mouth. Jennie's figure was tiny so her breasts were a little on the small size but they fitted in my hands perfectly and I loved them. As I gave the entire breast a squeeze, she whimpered.

She was turned on, I could see it in her expression, hear it in her noises, feel her wetness coating my dick. She raised her hips, grinding against me. Harder and harder. It was frustrating as hell but it felt so fucking painfully good. I swore softly but pulled her closer wanting to feel more.

I was dry humping Jennie.

And yet, I've enjoyed this sweet torture more than any other sexual encounters I've ever had. Our kisses grew hungrier, more urgent as our bodies collided bringing a friction of pleasure and torment. Our hips rolled against one another, with a little more force and need. Both making sounds and whimpers and groans and moans and fuck, I could've just cum right then and there.

"Put it in." She barely managed to say.

My eyes darted to hers and she nodded in confirmation. My heart thundered. Tape recorder. Nancy. Rape allegations. Leaving my mom. It all penetrated through my mind in those few split seconds.

"Put it in." Jennie repeated, with her voice a little hoarse.

Fuck it. This was about trust. She trusted me to be this close to her, she trusted me to respect her boundaries and keep her safe. Now I needed to trust her and put it in.

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