Chapter 13

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I mean, how much trouble can one person get into, in the span of just one night?

I don't know, but it didn't stop me from tossing and turning, imagining every horrible and possible scenario in my head. My dad was working the night shift yesterday, so I thought about Lisa running into him, giving him shit.

I thought about the possibility of weapons, girls not strong enough to fight off her advances. I thought about drug stores getting raided, leaving some patient stranded without their life dependent medication. I thought about my stupidity.

Rosé was right, trusting too easily and seeing the good in people was my worst trait.

"Jen! You up?"

I didn't even sleep, not a single wink.

"Yeah." I shouted back, while dragging the wide toothed comb through my wet tangles.

"Breakfast is getting cold." He yelled. I braided my hair into two braids and sheepishly joined my dad at the breakfast table. "I let the maple syrup soak into the pancakes for a while, just how you like it." His voice was strained, and tired. His eyes looked pink and he yawned loudly after he finished his sentence, desperate to go to bed after his night shift but still he made time to make me breakfast and eat with me. I smiled sweetly at him and tucked into my pancakes.

"So, was it a busy night last night?"

Smooth Jen, real smooth.

"The storm knocked a big tree onto the road, had to secure the area and get it removed. It backed up traffic real bad." Blood thundered through my ear drums.

"Any actual crimes?"

"A few domestic violence house calls, some minor car crashes, one wellness check and a report of animal abuse. Nothing major."

"Oh." I breathed out a relaxed sigh. "Good, that's good."

My dad laughed, I barely ever ask him about his work.

"Did the animal get hurt?"

"No Jen, the dog was fine. So were all the humans that I attended to last night by the way. Eat up chicken legs I'll give you a ride to school before I crash for a few hours. I'm back in work tonight." I nodded, satisfied with his answers... for now.

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