Chapter 33

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"So your dad thinks that you're staying over at mine, right?" Rosé asked as we pulled up outside Scott's brother's college party.

"Right." I confirmed.

"Good, because my parents think that I'm staying at yours." We smiled at one another cunningly.

My dad would always let me go to a high school party but a college party would be a hard no. Lucky for me he's not working a shift tonight, so he'll never find out. A chill caught my back and made me shiver, that's what I get for picking a backless dress but fashion is pain. Guys, older than us hung out on the front porch of Scott's house. They were already wasted and making a fool of themselves. They whistled at us as we walked past and Rosé raised her middle finger at them.

"We're not dogs, jackasses!" She pushed past them, while dragging me along with her.

The house smelt like beer and cigarette smoke. The vibe was dark and dangerous, I instantly felt uncomfortable. Music played above any thoughts and the lights were all switched off casting the house in darkness. Only people's phone torches lit the room.

"Hey!" Some guy wrapped his arm over our shoulders, he swayed almost knocking us over. "Let me get you girls a drink. What are you drinking?"

"Whatever there is." Rosé answered, pushing him away. He stumbled off towards what I'm assuming was the kitchen. "Okay, we're not taking any drinks from that guy." She told me. "Let's go outside." She pointed towards the back door and I followed her.

It was quieter outside, we stood by a keg, filling up plastic cups with whatever alcohol they had inside. Guys came in and out of a garden shed, every time the door opened smoke polluted the air and the putrid smell was strong enough to knock out a skunk. Rosé started shaking her hips to the music. I laughed and joined her, dancing under the moonlight and stars.

Scott joined us and a few others we recognised from our school. It didn't take us long to relax, fall into the music and refill our cups several times. The shed door opened for the thousand time, this time it got left open and slowly but surely the smoke dissipated and I stopped dancing. Her eyes fixated on me, her beautiful earthy hazel eyes sharpened on me as she bent over the table, sucking white powder up her nose through a rolled up dollar note. She sat up, wiped her nose and stared until the shed door got closed again.

"What's up, Jen?" Rosé asked, stopping her dancing and looking around for whatever I saw.

"Nothing. I need another drink." I walked away from her and headed to the keg but she followed me, never leaving me unattended at a sketchy party like this.

Suddenly, I felt arms around me, strong arms. They wrapped around me completely, protectively, encasing me in their warmth from behind but that wasn't the only thing I felt. She had a boner and it was pushing right into my ass. She walked me towards the door and I tried to get away from her but she was too strong.

"No. You're not staying here. This place is not for you. You've got to leave, take your friend and leave." Lisa spoke close to my ear in a velvety voice, it made my heart thunder inside my chest. Her warm breath hit my neck and I wanted to scream. I hated it.

"Excuse me!?" Rosé snapped. She pulled me out of Lisa's arms. "You can't tell her what to do, c'mon Jen." Clearly it was the alcohol talking because she'd never stand up to Lisa, maybe she would to protect me but I think we both know Rosé is all bark and no bite.

"Fine, you want to stay? You're fucking idiots. Don't say that I didn't warn you and don't drink anything here. I mean it, nothing." Her nose started trickling with blood.

"You've got a little something..." Rosé pointed to Lisa's nose and used the opportunity of her checking herself to pull us away, she stopped by the laptop playing out all the songs. She kept her eyes on Lisa while she typed into the keyboard.

The room came alive with 'Mrs Robinson' by Simon and Garfunkel and I bit back a smile at my best friend's dry humour. She dragged me to the dance floor and positioned us right in front of Lisa. We danced like idiots, we sung even louder - the chorus that is. We didn't actually know the words of the song so we mumbled drunkenly along with the verses and then bellowed out the chorus and cracked up at how silly we were. I'm pretty sure by this point Lisa was too drugged up to actually know what was going on but we laughed and spun and let loose not giving a single shit, and it was amazing.

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